Sunday, February 10, 2008

Finally! A more Sci-Fi like hologram than ever!

This is soooooooooooooooooo cool!

To promote the movie 'Water Horse: Legend of the Deep', Sony made a water and light hologram in Tokyo Bay.

Click on the image for a YouTube vid.

[via Engadget]

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This is so cool I want one.

From Scarab Aviation Labs based in Russia comes the Begalet - Universal Personal Transport.


It can be used on land, water and snow (with modification) and it can fly!

The craft weighs just 55Kg's when empty and can reach a maximum speed of 80kph on land and up to 160kph in the air (according to some reports). It seems to be a motorised paraglider but Scarab also have some fixed wing versions in development.

It uses a parachute in case of emergency landing when airborne and a bouyancy device to stop it sinking when on the water.

The engine delivers just 30hp with a range of up to 400km so it should be quite economical to run as well.

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Apparently, Yahoo is "considering revisiting talks it held with Google several months ago", saying that Microsoft's offer of $31/share was under-valuing the company (it's still quite a lot though).

Haven't seen much other news as searching around just pops "Microsoft + Yahoo! = Bad/Good for Google".

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Finally Microsoft announced that Vista SP1 and Windows Server 2008 is now RTM

Thats all good, but, Vista SP1 wont be available to public until mid of March and also we beta testers, except for the Refresh 2 build, we havent recevied any builds for download. Many do believe that the Refresh 2 build is RTM.

I got this funny picture from Long,

Really funny Tongue out

And one more thing is that Windows Server 2008 RTM images for both x86 and x64 are available in Connect for small period of time, but without product keys, lol. So, Go figure out how to use it without product keys Tongue out
I hope there is minimum days for activating Server, but I haven't tried it out. It is also worth to note that x64 versions of Windows Server 2008 are now available in MSDN and TechNet subscriptions.

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Here are some shots of my Jailbroken iPod Touch running 1.1.3 after using the iJailbreak method I posted about the other day.


(Click the image to get to the gallery)

  • Summerboard is now working
  • Installer 'Main script execution failed' problem has been solved by doing this in SSH
    cd /
    cd Applications/
    rm -rf
    chmod +s
    chown -R root:wheel
    This downloads the latest I fixed mine another way, by setting the correct permissions via ssh then updating installer within installer.
  • Runs very well.
  • Maps, Mail, Webclips, lyrics, Weather...etc All run perfectly

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