Monday, February 11, 2008

Bruce Schneier on vendor lock-in

Bruce Schneier on vendor lock-in
Bruce Schneier, the famed security researcher, has commented on the dangers of vendor lock-in strategies in this article. The title is a bit misleading, since it mentiones the iPhone. But in the article itself the iPhone is just one example. He addre... (more in the full post)

AAPT's big picture not so flash
Billing system migration problems hurt Telecom's Aussie business

Why get broadband?
For the many dial-up users out there, with the event of ADSL2+ and all the hype about wireless broadband and that, many have asked - why get broadband?

Well, ihug thinks that one of the reasons to get broadband (not ihug broadband, but broadband in general) is because they're "one of the great bits of Vodafone".

They are going to be Vodafone, so should we all disconnect our broadband connections then? Laughing

Tales from the world of ICT

New Geekzone Blogs Windows Vista Sidebar gadget
Thanks to Chaks, who developed a Geekzone Blogs Gadget for Windows Vista Sidebar. He was inpired by our Geekzone Forums Gadget for Windows Vista Sidebar, originally developed for us by Provoke.

If you follow the Geekzone blogs or forums and use Windows Vista make sure you download those gadgets.

If you are using Mac OS X or Konfabulator and would like to develop similar gadgets for these other platforms, please contact me.

Begalet - Universal Personal Transport
This is so cool I want one.

From Scarab Aviation Labs based in Russia comes the Begalet - Universal Personal Transport.


It can be used on land, water and snow (with modification) and it can fly!

The craft weighs just 55Kg's when empty and can reach a maximum speed of 80kph on land and up to 160kph in the air (according to some reports). It seems to be a motorised paraglider but Scarab also have some fixed wing versions in development.

It uses a parachute in case of emergency landing when airborne and a bouyancy device to stop it sinking when on the water.

The engine delivers just 30hp with a range of up to 400km so it should be quite economical to run as well.

Joikuspot - turn your Nokia S60 device into a WiFi Access Point

While surfing the interw3b this morning I came across this very cool new Symbian S60 application. Once installed it allows your phone to act as a WiFi hotspot sharing it's GPRS/3G data connection via WiFi.

Now you might think this is nothing special but if you have an iPod Touch, PDA or laptop that has WiFi built it it allows you to connect to the internet when you're not within range of a WiFi network. WiFi is also significantly faster than Bluetooth for data transfers so if you're somebody who connects their laptop to their phone via Bluetooth there could be significant speed increases moving to WiFi.

This software is only very new and currently lacks any security which means your WiFi connection is wide open for anybody to leach but certainly shows a lot of potential!

Dual booting Vista and Windows Server 2008??
I have Vista Business in one of my machines and thought of dual booting with Windows Server 2008. And the end result? - Excellent! I installed Windows Server on top of Vista and after installation of Windows Server 2008, the boot menu was shown with options to boot into Vista or Server 2008 Cool

Cool Smile

Antivirus company's website downloads ... a virus
The iFrame technique used on the site has been seen in thousands of similar hacks over the past few months

Spammers' bot cracks Microsoft's CAPTCHA
The bot grabs the CAPTCHA and sends it back to the spammer's server, where the image is somehow "read" and a clear text match generated, says researcher

Finding Chuck Norris
I just got this on an e-mail, worth trying:

1. Open Google

2. Type "find chuck norris"

3.Click on "I'm feeling lucky"


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