Friday, August 1, 2008

TelstraClear with their targeted marketing... even though we left!

(Due to the heavy use of images, I recommend people on dial up to stop loading this page when all text appears)

We used to be with TelstraClear for dial up (with Clear Net, which is now Clearnet), but even after we left them, they still shove us with more marketing!

Here are the images, first of the letter enclosed with the flyer - and now with the power of CSS, you can hover over the "best" whatever parts to see what is says (as it's a flip top flyer):

- Terms and Conditions from the back of the flyer

(Click on the image parts to enlarge)

I wish that they could stop sending us more marketing!

We left them. That's it.

We don't want people chasing after us after we left!

At least those new TC ads ("Simple Solutions. Everyday.") are good...

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What an awesome film! Every Tuesday our flat has a movie night as its only $8 per ticket on Tuesday. Last Tuesday we went to the Dark Knight, although it went for 2 hours 45 min, it didnt actually feel that long which was great because I often start watching the time about half way through long movies, but not this time. The majority of people i've talked to have only gone to see the movie because of Heath Ledger and afterwards admitted they enjoyed the entire film. I recommend going to the cinema rather than waiting for the DVD to come out, mainly because its just so loud and really enhances the film. I'm not going to say anything about the actually storyline because I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it...

If I was going to rate this film out of 10 I would give it an 8!

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I wouldn't call myself a gamer & the main reason I bought my PS3 was for Blu Ray but this games rocks! Gameplay, graphics, sound, story......

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Microsoft ActiveX Snapshot Viewer for Microsoft Access could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system.  Targeted exploitation was reported on July 7, but X-Force has been monitoring toolkit-related mass exploitation since July 10.  As of July 24, exploitation has continued to escalate.  See technical description for more details. Read More

Imports System.Net.Mail

'Create an instance of the MailMessage class

Dim objMM As New MailMessage()

Dim Requestor_DropDownList As DropDownList

Dim IssueID_Label As Label

With Issue_FormView   Requestor_DropDownList = .FindControl(


   IssueID_Label = .FindControl("JobID_Label")

End With

'Set the properties

objMM.To.Add(Requestor_DropDownList.SelectedValue + "")

objMM.From = New MailAddress("")

'Send the email in html format

objMM.IsBodyHtml = True

'Set the priority - options are High, Low, and Normal

objMM.Priority = MailPriority.Normal

'Set the subject

objMM.Subject = "Feedback"

'Set the body

Dim sb As New StringBuildersb.AppendLine("Kiaora " + Requestor_DropDownList.SelectedItem.Text)


sb.AppendLine("Your EST Issue is about to be closed.")sb.AppendLine(

"Please take 5 minutes to rate the service you have received the the Enterprise Service Team.")sb.AppendLine("Click into this link: http://wstProdIIS/EST/register/Issue.aspx?ID=" + IssueID_Label.Text)

objMM.Body = sb.ToString

'Now, to send the message, use the Send method of the SmtpClient class

Dim objSC = New SmtpClient

objSC.Host = ""


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'ellooooooooo...... I am leaving my moderator role here at

...with 5800 posts under my belt in the last four years of service on Geekzone, moderating the (l)users...

...answering posts from newb... (more in the full post)

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My grief began when we got our D-Link DSL-504T router... back then, ADSL2+ was starting to become widespread news. It didn't matter too much to me at that stage.

Then I find out that we're going to be on hold for ADSL2+ support, even though support is available through a firmware upgrade we're still waiting for!

Then life goes on and we needed wireless (lappie, iPod...). My mum bought a WRT54G last year to compliment our router. Well, I knew that performance wasn't going to be as good as Ethernet, but.... I had 2mbps over Wi-Fi standing right next to the router!!! Cry

I looked online, found out that other 3rd party firmwares exist for our WRT54G... all but for v7.

... and you guessed it - we got a v7. Not a v7.2, but a v7.


I even used the Ethernet connection coming out of the WRT54G, and it was only slightly better (I got 3mbps... Cry)

Now with such a shambles of a network we have at our house, no wonder we're not progressing our Internet capabilities to the maximum, and our investment is now nearly useless.

Wish I could sell them all... except that I don't own the gear... my mum does - and she's not up for ADSL2+ and doesn't care. Yell

If I got to manage our gear, I would sell them and get something like a RTA1025W (or anything good for ADSL2+ and provides a respectable speed over Wi-Fi)

[Envies everyone else with a better networking system than me]

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It took some time, but it happened. We now have a discussion open in our Telecom New Zealand forum, waiting for your questions to CEO Dr Paul Reynolds.

The idea is simple: people can post their questions in the thread, and after a week I will be forwarding these to get his answers. I will then post the answers on Geekzone.

We have done this before with other major telcos in New Zealand - check the answers for Orcon, TelstraClear, and WorldxChange.

Thanks to the Telecom folks who helped us get there!

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