Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Star Crush: A Nerd's Hope

Star Crush: A Nerd's Hope
You have to admit, nerds can be an optimistic bunch. Take, for example a recent case I have come across: A nice but otherwise unassuming IT support guy, burried away deep in the bowels of some anonymous IT department, rarely seeing the light of day a... (more in the full post)

RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render();
This error comes when you are exporting the GridView control from Visual Studio. To solve this error you have to turn the eventValidation off.  You can do this in the web.config file but if you do, the eventValidation will be turned off for all the pages.

<pages enableEventValidation ="false" ></pages>

Alternatively, you can do this in the Page directive which will turn off the validation for a single page.

<%@ Page Language="C#" EnableEventValidation = "false" AutoEventWireup="true"

 CodeFile="ExportGridView.aspx.cs" Inherits="ExportGridView" %>

Even without an enterprise strategy, Apple quadruples share
Mac OS X accounts for 4.5% of the business operating system market, says Forrester

Free broadband for all...
I read this on the paper (yes, I do read paper sometimes) and had to find this online to quote and link. But here it is at the USA Today:

High-speed Internet access is so important to the welfare of U.S. consumers that America can't afford not to offer it — free of charge — to anybody who wants it, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin says.

"There's a social obligation in making sure everybody can participate in the next generation of broadband services because, increasingly, that's what people want," he says.

Martin hopes to use a chunk of wireless airwaves due to hit the auction block next year to help turn his vision into reality. Some cellphone operators are objecting.

"Some cellphone operators are objecting". O'RLY?

We are not even close to this yet, here in New Zealand.

Repco pushes Zeacom 5 across ANZ
New mobility functionality gives VPN access via PDAs

Microsoft to add privacy features to IE8
New features make it easier to delete web browsing history information

Check Point releases ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite 8.0 - eChannelLine

Spring is sprung!
Well, it's been a while Dear Reader.

No reason I can think of - just other stuff to do. Spring is creeping up on us. Our orchard is full of blossom and new leaves on the apples, pears, peaches and almonds. Always a joyous sight.

Sadly, the weather is still wet and windy - although we had three dry days last week! Yay! Managed to get out on the tractor and mow a bit without making too much mess.

Apple finally fixed Mobile Me - I bet they won't try that again in a hurry. Now they have given away 3 months of free service to subscribers as an apple-ology. Hurrah!

I am off up to Hamiltron and Raglan tomorrow to photograph the WRC New Zealand stages. Sadly no press access - the FIA control that and you almost have to be related to Max "BDSM" Mosley to get a press pass! Weather looks reasonable, so light should be good - if the images are worth it I will post them on my website.


Simpl makes inroads in e-health market
Locals to present health connction software at US conference

Skeates joins Critchlow board
Former Marshal Software president joins location intelligence specialist

Finally: Persistent storage for Amazon EC2
Amazon has finally announced the general availability of persistent storage for EC2! This is long awaited news. Here is a also a writeup from Werner Vogels, the Amazon CTO.

Some background...

Amazon has offered a very nice cloud-com... (more in the full post)

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