Sunday, August 31, 2008

Council Approves Plan Change

No surprise:

With the plan change a sizable chunk of the airfield, including the area with all the hangars and control tower, the grass strip adjacent to the sealed strip, and I believe the eastern end of the field including what roughly appears to be the displaced threshold area are rezoned into various non aviation zonings.

I believe (although the document is hard reading) that almost all the sealed strip and immediate surrounds, right across to wigram road infact remains zone "A" for Aviation and the approach fans are in place still so technically it could still operate as an airfield, but naturally the developers can now use the fact that housing development will occur to basically the boundary as a convenient excuse to proceed with the shut down of aviation operations --- from there on it's a rubber stamp affair to get then remaining A zone changed into other zones (Living 1-3, Business, and Conservation) due to no aviation activity occuring.

Once again, the Christchurch City Council has failed the people who voted it in.  For shame those councillors who voted for a plan change to which the people you are tasked with representing are quite clearly against.

Whilst I'm certainly not one to give up without a fight, I'm not sure at this point there are any ways in which we could have an effect, with the plan change approved the council has I expect let the cat out of the proverbial and wouldn't be able to put it back even if it could be convinced to do so. 

I'm open to ideas though.

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Amazon has finally announced the general availability of persistent storage for EC2! This is long awaited news. Here is a also a writeup from Werner Vogels, the Amazon CTO.

Some background...

Amazon has offered a very nice cloud-com... (more in the full post)

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A couple of articles of note from The Press regarding Wigram in the last couple of days.

The petition which I blogged about a couple of weeks back is in:

I spoke with Denis and about 3500 signatures were collected over just 10 days and with quite limited distribution, that has to tell you something, imagine the response we'd get over a longer period and with wider distribution.  Denis also mentioned he conducted a bit of a survey and the large majority of respondants were in favour of the airfield staying operational. 

He has delivered the petition and other information to the council to be heard at the AUgust 28th meeting and is trying to get an audience with a council member sometime before the meeting to further explain the situation.

I think it's quite clear that the people of Christchurch, when actually consulted, are quite against closing Wigram as an operational airfield.  Which is why the petition is asking for the Christchurch City Council to simply hold-fire on the plan change which would see a valuable city facility (past, present and future!) destroyed until it consults with the people who elected it.

The second item of interest is that the Air Force Museum has indicated that  it will prepare a grass runway on the remaining Air Force land so that the Red Checkers (and helicopters of course) team can perform at airshows, at least until the flight path becomes too crowded with housing.

If we want to keep Wigram alive, we need to keep up the pressure, please feel free to write (civil) letters to your council members to let them know that you are against the plan change.

Aside: Still no reply from the council members, or Jim Anderton (sitting MP for Wigram) on the letters I wrote to them.  I find that to be somewhat unacceptable, especially from the council members.  If the Minister of Transport for the entire country can afford to take the time to write a personal reply, you'd think the councillor for an area of a single city could at least say "thanks for the letter".

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If you follow the folks at Mindscape, then here is a list of sessions they will be running at this year's Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand:


Overview of SQL Server 2008 (DAT302) - Monday 2:15pm What's New in WPF 3.5 and 3.5 SP1 (DEV... (more in the full post)

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Over this weekend I have had a chance to properly try out MythTV with Freeview so here is an update on where I am at for now.

Firstly I did a major hardware swap, moving my Antec PSU, 3800 and Nvidia 8600GT to my main box in return for a cheap X-Power PSU and 5200 X2. The X2 provides more grunt for software decoding H.264, enough to work in Windows but not myth as will be seen.

So with Mythubuntu 8.04.1 + latest upgrades, including from Paul Kendall's repository, I monitered the CPU usage over SSH whilst testing out the channels. I got around 40%-70% CPU overall, obviously the SD channels where lighter on the CPU than HD with TV3 causing the max load.

However despite not maxing out the CPU TV3 was unwatchable, freezing for half a second every 1-2 secs. This is a problem a few others with similar CPU's on the mythnz mailing list have and the solution is changing the 'skiploopfilter' settings, I think forcing myth to drop frames rather than lag. However what is required to make this change is beyond my current Linux/GNU abilities so I am putting this project aside for the moment. What also contributed to that decision is reports from others about frequent frontend crashes, something I don't want on a HTPC that gets regular use.

So now I am re-installing Mediaportal (the change in graphics cards did something weird to the Windows install) and will work on getting Mythbuntu installed onto my old IDE drive so I can have my USB drive back.

When I am prepared to figure out rebuilding patches etc, or Paul sets up a GUI to make these changes (as he indicated he may) I will revisit this. Until, MP it is. It may not be perfectly stable, or make every recording I schedule (NCIS 2 weeks ago came back with just the xml file, no .ts at all!), but the codecs work better for obvious reasons.

I am glad just to have something that works, support is very limited for these MPEG 4 codecs and will be for a while yet.

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Lets see, time for a bit of a challenge - with a minutiae of assistance from bored dot com's list of politically correct terms.

A fable of gargantuan proportions.  Not.  (Or should that read 'Un'?)

Back in the Chronologically gifted days, lived a displaced home owner. Now this non-discretionally scented individual could hold his/her/it's posessions (sorry, I couldn't find one for this) in a processed tree carcass. The local youth group from the barrio-ethnically homogenous area more than several times attempted to reverse-love (that's mine, folks, but you can borrow it) the above-mentioned non-specifically destinated individual.

The local law enforcement officer/s, being uniquely proficient in their own area of expertise (which means nothing, basically) held that this non-random earth child was actually a member of the mental explorers club. In other words he/she/it was one of the selectively perceptive. Or just non-adorned motivationally dispossed. A uniquley fortuned individual on an alternative career path. Kinesthetically challenged, the size ten clod-hoppers would treat the unaffiliated applicant for private sector funding to a time of leisure-seeking within the fenced-in boundaries of the non-global correctional institution.

There was less than something but I mean Far Less that the client didn't hate than a good prescription's worth of constructive feminist (non-masculine) psychtherapy, where he would have a conjoined meeting nasally with persons of the difficult-to-meet needs variety, cost of living adjustment speciallists and other least-best men of differing unclean-lucre gathering skills. PIndividuals of the non-doubtful trickster persuasion.

After more than one of these hourly or more appointments our in-vain-man-with-his-underwear-on-the-outside-of-his-tights was led to a non-planned re-examination of previously digested food choices. This being the learning outcome of the economically marginalised human, the powers that exist in an ongoing time continuum were manipulated in a hand-tied-behind-the-back manner perspicuous to the event in hand (but not-tied before the retro spinal-osteo-varietal [variety]) to open the door of opportunity and rotate an un-seeing optic to the outwoard travelling of the victim of society.

Have I lost you completely yet? I will finish on a positive sounding musical-verbosity...

He/she/it veered off the chosen path to find himself the nearest rapid-nutrition outlet and bought himself a non metric measurement of seared mutilated animal flesh. Transitionlising his non-counter ego into a petroleum transfer technician, with over the top designs of one sunshine-filled twelve hours of becoming a garbologist in the university of non-deadness, our inept exterior-undie wearer existed in a basically existential existance neither sadly nor tearfully in what is known as an any-number-divided-by zero time zone.

Now wasn't that uniquely proficient of the person who environmentally non-correctly behind this dermis?

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