Friday, August 29, 2008

IE8 Works to Prevent Cross-Site Scripting Attacks

One of the most prevalent threats for Web surfers is the cross-site scripting attack. With cross-site scripting, an attacker is able to insert malicious code into otherwise legitimate web pages.... Read More

I wrote some time ago that open source should be the default decision for any IT manager, director and even individual. Proprietary software - due to its many disadvantages - should only be considered under exceptional circumstances and with a very g... (more in the full post)

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This error comes when you are exporting the GridView control from Visual Studio. To solve this error you have to turn the eventValidation off.  You can do this in the web.config file but if you do, the eventValidation will be turned off for all the pages.

<pages enableEventValidation ="false" ></pages>

Alternatively, you can do this in the Page directive which will turn off the validation for a single page.

<%@ Page Language="C#" EnableEventValidation = "false" AutoEventWireup="true"

 CodeFile="ExportGridView.aspx.cs" Inherits="ExportGridView" %>

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You can help us spread the world about the things happening at the Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand by using this widget:

You can just click in "Options" and use the code to insert it in your page or blog.

... (more in the full post)

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The first in a (hopefully) on-going collection of interesting links.

Web Happenings / News

Xero: 2000 Customers - Congrats guys from a happy customer
VFX Manager: A new addon application for managing your XNet VFX service
NZ Communications website launched - several jobs available too
Mobile banking - on Kiwibanks new iPhone and Windows Mobile internet banking site
China Netcom falls prey to DNS cache poisoning
Palm Treo Pro launches around the world with Windows Mobile 6.1 - looks promising
One hundred pushups twitter challenge
Google street view car in Wellington


Auckland .Net code camp 2008 - hurry times running out to register, see you there!
Hawke's Bay IT User Group - if your in the bay then why not sign up and come along to the next meet up?

iPhone / Apple

Vodafone NZ released new iPhone plans
Make an iPhone ringtone with iTunes in windows
Learn how to develop for the iPhone - Web apps that is
Programming for the iPhone really sucks - using the SDK that it
Apple iTunes shows how New Zealand ISPs are not providing internet service


Very handy javascript memory leak detector
The future of .Net reflector - development taken over by Red Gate Software
Mega awesome CSS resource list


20 must have geek ringtones and text message alerts - and 10 to avoid!

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I read this on the paper (yes, I do read paper sometimes) and had to find this online to quote and link. But here it is at the USA Today:

High-speed Internet access is so important to the welfare of U.S. consumers that America can't afford not to offer it — free of charge — to anybody who wants it, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin says.

"There's a social obligation in making sure everybody can participate in the next generation of broadband services because, increasingly, that's what people want," he says.

Martin hopes to use a chunk of wireless airwaves due to hit the auction block next year to help turn his vision into reality. Some cellphone operators are objecting.

"Some cellphone operators are objecting". O'RLY?

We are not even close to this yet, here in New Zealand.

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You can validate the length of input of an ordinary TextBox using the MaxLength attribute.  However, this doesn't work if the TextBox has a TextMode of Multi-line.  In those instances, use this piece of code.

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">


    function MaxLength()


        var txt = $get("<%=ResponseNote_TextBox.clientid %>");

        var msg = $get("<%=Message_Label.clientid %>");


        if (txt.value.length > 500)




            msg.className = "Failure";

            msg.innerHTML = "* Response has more than 500 characters";




            if (msg.innerHTML == "* Response has more than 500 characters")


                msg.innerHTML = "";





    function SelectText()


            var txt = $get("<%=ResponseNote_TextBox.clientid %>");

            var rng = txt.createTextRange();


            rng.moveStart("character", 501);

            rng.moveEnd("character", 0);




    function RemoveCRLFs()


   // debugger;

    var txt = $get("<%=ResponseNote_TextBox.clientid %>");

    var str = window.clipboardData.getData("Text");


    str = str.replace(/(\s*(\r?\n|\r))+$/, '');


    txt.value = str ;








ResponseNote_TextBox.Attributes.Add("onblur", "javascript:MaxLength()")

ResponseNote_TextBox.Attributes.Add("onpaste", "javascript:RemoveCRLFs()")


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This week looks good for us Kiwibank customers - a few new things have been introduced.

Secure Mail

Too afraid to talk over the web to banks about your problems using conventional email?

Kiwibank has introduced Secure Mail:

Here's the contents of that introduction message:

At Kiwibank we take internet banking security seriously - that's why we've introduced a new secure way for you to contact us using Secure Mail.

What is Secure Mail?
It's a totally secure, free service that lets you email us through internet banking.

You can ask us in private about your accounts or anything else you want to know - without having to pick up a phone or visit your local Kiwibank.

How it works:
- As you may have noticed, when you log in to internet banking, Secure Mail shows on your Welcome Page.
- To ask a question, click "create your message", type in your question, then send
- You'll receive a reply within two business days in your Secure Mail inbox on your Internet Banking Welcome Page.

Secure Mail is protected by the internet banking security firewalls, so the information you send and receive is completely secure.

Mobile Banking on the Web

Their mobile site has been improved to include Windows Mobile and mobile browser users as well as more improvements to the exisiting iPhone presentation like enhanced landscape views.

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