Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I am back, and programming Python now ...

I am back, and programming Python now ...
Well, it's been a very strange year indeed, and not very geeky, with a lot of upheavals in my personal life. However, I'm not going to blog about those ...

I have discovered Python, in a big way. It all started because I got involved with a project (very strict NDA) for a client that uses Python. I'd never really looked at it before ... my coding history was Fortran (at first), then C, C++, Genstat (an obscure statistical modelling package with a powerful  Fortran-like scripting language [url][/url]), lots and lots of Perl for web backends and web crawling, some Java (which I've used a lot but never really liked), some PHP (which I have never and will never like) and a tiny smidge of C# ...

Well, I am seriously enthusiastic about Python. Not quite in the same way Pentecostalists are about God, but not far off. 

I can use it for:

  • web backends using Django
  • my mystery top-secret project with a tight NDA
  • Asterisk AGI scripting
  • the icing on the cake: Apple Cocoa projects
It is also fast becoming the language of choice for mobile devices, a field I am increasingly involved in:

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