Friday, August 1, 2008

A gratuitous plug for my latest Windows Mobile app...

Yep folks, today's post is yet another one brought to you by the Ministry of Self-Promotion.

This has been out for a while now, but I've recently finished tweaking it (and let's be honest, fixing embarrasing bugs) to something approaching my satisfaction, so to the esteemed Geekzone readership I present Twitula, a Twitter client for Windows Mobile Classic and Professional (that is to say, touch screen devices - I have a smartphone version in beta if you're interested in trying it).

As always, you can use the contact form on the site for feedback, requests and death threats.

PS. Also As usual, source code is available on request. Because after all, everyone needs a good laugh now and then.

PPS. Here's a pretty screen shot even:

 Twitula screen shot

(That's actually slightly out of date, since I now display people's actual names rather than screen names. But then again anyway I deliberately reduced the screen shot in size to make the text unreadable. So it probably doesn't matter all that much. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it. So carry on with whatever you were doing).

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Microsoft ActiveX Snapshot Viewer for Microsoft Access could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system.  Targeted exploitation was reported on July 7, but X-Force has been monitoring toolkit-related mass exploitation since July 10.  As of July 24, exploitation has continued to escalate.  See technical description for more details. Read More

So, I'm sitting here in the Qantas business launge of the Sydney airport, waiting for my flight back to Auckland. A few tables across from me someone has just powered up his laptop. I know it's a business traveler, because his laptop has a business c... (more in the full post)

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Words fail me. This is something I would expect from old regimes: "Travellers' laptops may be detained at border".

More information here and here.

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OK so I have already talked here about why I prefer mythtv to MediaPortal, it’s not an exhaustive list but I think it makes a pretty compelling argument for Mythtv. However what makes an even stronger compelling argument for MP is its support for NZ's DVB-T broadcasts, and hence I use it. The latest from the mythtvnz mailing list is that Freeview HD is now working well in myth with the patches from pkendall, so hopefully it is just a case of getting the updates to ffmpeg etc into the main mythtv 'trunk' (is that what it called?) and we will be away!

Anyway I should get to the point of this post. I want to list a couple tips I picked up for improving mythtv here, as I alluded to earlier, myth does require more work than MP or GBPVR but it’s worth it:

1) Adding FM radio. I have no idea why this isn't included by default, it can't be hard and all other major HTPC programs have it. To get it in myth requires a bit of a hack, the setup instructions are here. As they note on the wiki page, it is a hack but looks like a plug-in in the end. It doesn't perform like a plug-in (in terms of sharing the card with recording etc) but it is good enough. Also this page gives an idea to the sort of changes to the menu structure that could be made if so desired.

2) By default myth only allows one job (such as commflagging, or a user job such as a special transcode) at a time. Assuming you are running a somewhat modern processor you can get away with a lot more, especially if you have a dual core. Under the 'general' settings in mythbackend setup, change the max number jobs to say 3 or 4. Also set mythcommflag to begin at the start of the show rather than wait until it has finished.

3) Make sure you enable plugins such as mythmusic, mythvideo and mythweb. If you are using Mythbuntu the Mythbuntu Control Center is the easiest way to change these settings. Mythweb in particular is great, and if you can successfully enable access through your router you can check out your computers status, and create recordings even when you are way from home.

That’s all can think of for now, but there are plenty of other settings worth investigating by hunting through the menus. There are some other good features that I never managed to fully implement, such as and automatic sleep/wakeup.

Next I will spill my thoughts on Media Portal, and the improvements made now we are at RC2.

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