Thursday, August 14, 2008

Service sends text messages to landlines

Service sends text messages to landlines
In addition, mail plug-in lets users send text messages from their Outlook or Lotus email clients to landlines

Google says thanks for Android petition
Google replies to developers complaining about slow progress

European court delays British hacker's extradition to US
If extradited and prosecuted in the US, the hacker could face up to 60 years in prison

NZTE opts for SharePoint for website rebuild
The focus is on user-centred design, self-service and intuitive search

Russian hacker 'militia' mobilises to attack Georgia
Researchers have found evidence that points to a self-starting militia composed of volunteer hackers and cyber criminals

Kiwis to meet 'Facebook' twins in Olympic finals
Winklevosses are making waves in IT as well

Privacy must become public 'hot topic', says 2020 leader
Research studies gaps in local privacy laws

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