Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Richard Stallman in Auckland: On the ethics of free software

Richard Stallman in Auckland: On the ethics of free software
This Saturday, Richard Stallman gave the second of his two talks at the University of Auckland. The first one was about copyright, this one was about the ethics of free software.Expecting a similarly packed house as for the first talk I arr... (more in the full post)

U turn on the motorway?
Snapped on State Highway 16 this morning:

Vodafone customers may have Olympics to blame?

As many of you Vodafone internet customers already know, there has been some major down time with connections to international servers over the past few days.
Vodafone users found that many sites (Wikipedia, Yahoo, apple.com, Itunes store, etc) were either unable to load, or took a painfuly long amount of time to load.

There has been some discussion over at vodafones forums regarding this, which now includes a Possible reason for this: The Olympics.

...Secondly we can see the major increase in LAG occurring as the data leaves asianetcom.net, which as we all know is currently handling most of the global data for the Olympic games and at times can and will be susceptible to simple congestion issues over the next week

Link to thread

For the time being, however, the connections have stabalised.
All we can really do now is cross our fingers and hope for the best.

If we didn't get the brilliant performance out of our medal winners and close winners as we have had, these olympics truly would suck...

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