Wednesday, August 6, 2008

'Spam King' Dead in Murder / Suicide

I am not a fan of spam. I try to keep things in perspective though. It is just email. I have filters that move it to my Junkmail folder without... Read More

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This week Microsoft, and every company that is a partner of Microsoft, have descended upon Houston. Thankfully, I live here so I didn't have to travel far. I get to... Read More

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Oracle WebLogic Server (formerly known as BEA WebLogic Server) is vulnerable to a buffer overflow, which would cause a denial of service and potentially remote code execution. Read More

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When the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) banned laptops from being carried on to airplanes in the wake of an attempted terrorist attack, I wrote an article detailing steps to enable... Read More

When you go out shopping, or to a baseball game, or wherever, odds are fair that you lock your car doors when you leave. You probably want to protect your... Read More

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