Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bloggers Dinner @ TechEd

I got my invite yesterday for the Bloggers Dinner @ TechEd. Bloggers @ Tech Ed is designed to help the New Zealand blogging community with both practical advice and an exclusive opportunity to network with other key bloggers in New Zealand.

The dinner will be held on September 1st at Sky City Convention Centre, Auckland.

The best part of the event is that its being hosted and keynoted by Scott Hanselman Smile

If any of you attending the Dinner, please do leave a comment and we can meet there Laughing

See you there Cool

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Ok, that is: If you live in Japan and consume less than 2 MB of data per month. But just take a look at this article here for an idea of the monthly plans for iPhones in other countries.

The article actually opens up with an iPhone app you c... (more in the full post)

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I just got my hotel booking and air tickets confirmation today, so I will be coming to the Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand 2008 for sure.

I will be landing in Auckland on Sunday 31st August, and attending the speakers' dinner on that evening.<... (more in the full post)

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Imports System.Net.Mail

'Create an instance of the MailMessage class

Dim objMM As New MailMessage()

Dim Requestor_DropDownList As DropDownList

Dim IssueID_Label As Label

With Issue_FormView   Requestor_DropDownList = .FindControl(


   IssueID_Label = .FindControl("JobID_Label")

End With

'Set the properties

objMM.To.Add(Requestor_DropDownList.SelectedValue + "")

objMM.From = New MailAddress("")

'Send the email in html format

objMM.IsBodyHtml = True

'Set the priority - options are High, Low, and Normal

objMM.Priority = MailPriority.Normal

'Set the subject

objMM.Subject = "Feedback"

'Set the body

Dim sb As New StringBuildersb.AppendLine("Kiaora " + Requestor_DropDownList.SelectedItem.Text)


sb.AppendLine("Your EST Issue is about to be closed.")sb.AppendLine(

"Please take 5 minutes to rate the service you have received the the Enterprise Service Team.")sb.AppendLine("Click into this link: http://wstProdIIS/EST/register/Issue.aspx?ID=" + IssueID_Label.Text)

objMM.Body = sb.ToString

'Now, to send the message, use the Send method of the SmtpClient class

Dim objSC = New SmtpClient

objSC.Host = ""


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