Friday, August 1, 2008

Annoying KiwiSaver

Currently Im an IT student living in Palmerston North. Week or so ago I scored myself a great weekend salesperson job, today I had orientation and signed contracts etc. etc. It pissed me off that I had to first fill out the kiwisaver form and then straight after fill out another form to opt out of it. Not only did it waste my time and pen ink but it also wastes time and more importantly money, for someone else to actually process these forms. To be honest I dont really know much about kiwisaver and was wondering why its compulsory? Someone told me that its going to die soon anyway, is this true?

Any thoughts on kiwisaver??

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You have to laugh, or else you would cry. The other day I was complaining about the problems I have had with Orcon for the last 3 months. Today I was going to write an email to Scott Bartlett prior to phoning him in person, but the latest episode means I may have to wait until after the weekend before I start demanding compensation and head for the media in a big way.

Last month my Internet disconnected 696 times and then last weekend I lost my landline phoe altogether. I know some of you laughed at the fact that I have a landline, but as I said, elderly relatives still have landlines and can't afford the cost of calling mobiles.

Anyway my landline is back and my internet has a few consecutive good days. But if you read my blog before, you will have read that over a 1 month period my internet disconnected 696 times. Did you think that was bad?

Well how about this. Yesterday my Orcon connection dropped 245 times and today so far it has dropped 451 times. In fact my average continuous connection time could be measured in seconds.

So I rang Orcon again this morning and got a friendly guy who asked me if I had line filters in my house. I felt like jumping from my chair, rushing into their call centre and launching a tirade, but I didn't. I asked him if he had read the story on my account in their CRM.

He has come up with a new idea of applying interleaving which he said could increase latency by up to 10 mSeconds. I'll have to see what the impact is on my poker tournaments, but in general that doesn't sound too bad. he said it would take about 2 days for it to have an impact and my next tournament is tonight, but given that last night I couldn't even check my email, it sounds like a major potential improvement.

I was giong to call Scott Bartlett at Orcon today and demand a refund, demand the 2 for one movie tickets that they promised and then start calling the media. I will wait until Monday and then decide my next step.

Several people who were thinking of joining Orcon have decided not to and my Glenfield rental tenants have just received a package from Orcon which they are going to show me tonight. There is no way they will join Orcon, having heard about my story.

I thought my problems were over, but it seems as though they are getting worse. In this day and age I can't believe this. I'm busy working on LBS applications, proximity based marketing and all sorts of exciting mobile applications but in 3 months I can't get a reliable internet connection at home. Just as well I don't have a home business anymore. I wonder what my associates at the ICT Cluster tonight will think of this.

Would you put up with this?

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Sometimes we come across a vendor's marketing claims that are clearly bogus and we just shrug those off. But if the claim itself is expressed with very well established terminology and with a specific mathematical precision then we are normally not e... (more in the full post)

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I have been watching this a few times as so much of it makes scene. I like how he displays a learning system, that with time/more samples it get better. I found this inspiring in regards to some concepts I have been learning, regarding the design of expert systems for (tag cloud)/categorisation development of forums.

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When the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) banned laptops from being carried on to airplanes in the wake of an attempted terrorist attack, I wrote an article detailing steps to enable... Read More

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