Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Large Hadron Collider, More bad news. Unlikely to Restart till March - April '09

Unfortunately, the LHC has had further delays which could cause for a longer wait to get it up and running.

This is definitely disappointing to a lot of us who were eagerly waiting to see what the results would be.

Whilst the LHC may send particles around at nearly the speed of light, unfortunately the repair crew can't work anywhere near as fast.

The LHC Webpage has some more great information, (click the image below or follow THIS link - no its not the joke page)

LHC Cool Down Status
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During the early hours of Saturday morning I initiated an experiment in Crowd Sourcing at Read my previous blog entry for the details.

I am pleased to report that in less than five days I have received 96 entries. I'm stagge... (more in the full post)

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Microsoft Office is vulnerable to remote code execution through specially-crafted OneNote URLs. Read More

Just noticed that the following NOTAM was published start of this month. It appears therefore to restrict operations at Wigram to specific prior approval effective back on the 1st of September (the AIP will be updated 20 Nov, but the changes read to be in effect 1 Sep).  I guess that's what Ngai Tahu meant by "closed to traffic from September". 
A1272/08 FROM: 31 AUG 2008 12:00 TO: 19 NOV 2008 11:00
Of course, one has to ask, "what are they gonna do about it" if somebody should decide to pay a visit without prior approval, lets just hope they don't go do a "Daley".

Also NOTAM'd at the moment is the following, I guess they are surveying for the pending slice and dice.

A1763/08   FROM: 14 SEP 2008 19:00  TO: 19 SEP 2008 05:00    
DAILY 1900 TO 0500

A1811/08 FROM: 17 SEP 2008 19:00 TO: 19 SEP 2008 05:00

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Kiwicon '08,

things have just kicked off with the first speaker about to start, should be an interesting day,

I'll keep some irregular updates as to whats going on during the day.

the keynote entry "Welcome to all the hackers, crackers, pimps, groupies, fakerz, lawyers, spooks & stoogies turning out for kiwicon '08.

more news to come. info on the con here

going to get off the wireless now before I get all my packets stolen lol!
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In the wake of Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin's Yahoo email account being compromised by hackers last week, Yahoo's VP of Mail, John Kremer, wrote a brief article highlighting... Read More

I use to buy the odd thing from but have gone off there stuff,  so I unsubscribed from their mailing list.  But a week later I get another email of their specials,  so I unsubscribe agan. Another week passes and they spam me again.

If you visit don't subscribe as you will go into there spam list for ever.
Why do NZ company's break the law of the land,  it just shows how dodgy they are. = spammer

I sent an email, and they replay with this.
Thankyou for your clear and concise email. If you tell me what email address the
letters are going to or your ShopCity handle we will happily disable your account.

Why are they making it so difficult.

update:  Thanks for all the help,  I went to their website and had to fill in a contact us,  which I hope has sorted the problem.

The unsubscribe on their mailouts, doesn't work.

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After driving (and fixing the bloody thing) a truck all week, I love to come home of an evening and play with my toys.
The reason I have owned MP3 players for about 6-7 years is to keep me entertained in my daily grind.
The reason for the new iPod was the space!
Sometimes on the road you cant get radio... or the music sucks... or you are just sick of the ads!
With the 160gig Classic I have my tunes, crap loads of podcasts and some vids for downtime/lunch breaks. I'm actually amazed at the amount of podcasts I go through in a week.
This is one of my gripes...
I live in the Kapiti region and am lucky enough to have cable.
Unfortunately, the plans blow dogs!
I have a 10mbit connection with a 20gig cap. I have gone over that this month with podcasts alone!
With one just-about-at-school daughter and a baby on the way, I can't afford the extra money to up my cap, and TCL don't offer a 4mbit plan with a 30gig cap for the price of the 10/20 plan. I don't need 2mbit up... I don't need 10mbit down really. but I do need 20-30 gig a month. Don't get me wrong, the speed is brilliant (I used to run a game server here and had the big lightspeed plan at the time). But in these days of uncertainty, I just can't afford the extra $$$ for the cap. Sure, If my better half was working instead of pregnant, I could. If my boss paid more, I could. If I won Lotto (ha), I could... But these things aren't happenening!
I know companies are out to make a profit.
I know I would be!
But where is a middle-ground??
TCL don't have one.
After five years I'm looking at options.
New net, new phone and no cable TV (this will greatly annoy my daughter and better-half as playhouse disney saves the day at times, and when the new baby comes, discovery will keep me sane at 3am)

C'mon, TCL, make a plan that gives me a 4mbit connection with a 30gig cap... I'm sure I'm not the only low-paid geek in the cable region!

BTW, why does every other ISP want my phone number and then tell me it doesn't exist! I have TCL phone, we do exist! Please just give me a map of your broadband areas!
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I have had comment through a back-channel that this blog entry may appear to have portrayed an opinion of the organisation referred to.  I would like to make it clear that this is not necessarily the case, that "All posts views held by the poster, not necessarily any person or organisation associated therewith."  A disclaimer which you will note on the right of the page.

It appears that there may have been some "confusion" regarding the approval sought, and that official approval may not have been given in the first place, and that the reason for refusing access to the airfield at this time was not necessarily as inflexible as it appeared.  An attempt to rectify the situation has been made and a tacit approval has been given to the organisation referred to for the holding of a flyin at Wigram in mid October.

On Sunday coming, the Canterbury Recreational Aircraft Club (of which I am a member) had planned to have a flyin to Wigram, permission was sought and thought to be obtained from Ngai Tahu, and it had also been discussed with airfield inhabitants who were supportive and looking forward to us all visiting etc.  Today, the member of our club who was organising this received a call from Ngai Tahu revoking the permission.

In short, Jan Higgens, the current person in charge of Wigram Aerodrome Ltd was uncompromising and said that all 'non resident' Wigram aircraft were forbidden to land as of the 1st of September 2008 because "a lot of development is going on; restricting the landing areas". 

The NOTAM I blogged about a few days ago merely indicated that permission needed to be sought, it is now clear that you can ask, but you won't get said permission.  I guess they figured the media would attend the Canterbury Aero Club flyin last Sunday and so elected to let it proceed rather than get bad press.

I understand that yesterday the plan change became effective.  No doubt this is not coincidental.

I can't embed this here for some reason, but it's fitting at this point:

As perhaps a final followup to the attempts to get some common sense drummed into the council, Denis Hampton, on behalf largely of Steve Campbell at the Chch Flying School had made a submission a little while ago to the Office of the Ombudsman

The Ombudsman, for those who are not familiar with the term, is the independant office intended to provide oversight and investigation into the decisions of government, local and central. 

The submission called on the Ombudsman to review the report which the council had based it's decision on and if they found as we believe the report to be fundamentally flawed in it's portrayal of Wigram as a dead airfield (the reasons for which this belief was held have been previously written in this blog, and were of course included in said submission) that they should recommend a course of action to the council which would see the whole process reviewed.

Today Denis received a reply from the Ombudsman's assistant to inform that the matter would not be investigated further as it appears the Ombudsman does not have the power to do so when the "full council" has made a decision, it can only investigate sub committees, individual members, officers and employees. 

One wonders who can provide oversight to the full council when they make terrible uninformed decisions.
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I have blogged about this before (it seems like I'm always saying that - just prophetic I guess), but it seems that poor old Transfield are loosing money on their Telecom contracts. See TVNZ news item.

To be honest I'm not surprised, they have been nailed down so much, there can't be any margin in this work, in fact they have admitted they are loosing money on it. A few years ago, when the Telecom patches were being awarded, they must have put in bids so close to their break-even point that there was no room for any variation, and now they're in the smelly brown stuff.

So what are Telecom going to do about it? Two choices; negotiate with Transfield to try and keep them on, and let them actually do business so they can make some money and survive - or give it all to Downers.

Personally, I hope that Transfield stick around and are able to continue with the Telecom patches they have - I think it would be so detrimental to the NZ telecommunications industry if it was just Downers (Don't forget, they have Telecom patches, the TelstraClear SP contract, and the Vodafone maintenance contract - hell, there's not much else out there!!?!)

I can't believe I'm defending Transfield - they are probably the lowest paying SP in the industry. Maybe if they sort things out with Telecom they will address this - yeah right!

Happy days!!

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I have just noticed the Akamai State of the Internet report Q2 2008 is out now. Interesting stats from around the world - worth reading it.

From a New Zealand perspective here is the only data provided:

- more than 962,000 uniqye IP addresses, a 3.78% increase from Q1 2008, about 0.23 per capita (or about 1 for almost four people here);
- only 2% connected to Akamai servers at 5 Mbps or more - 0.01 "high broadband" per capita;
- 52% connected to Akamai servers at 2 Mbps or more;
- 10% connected at 256 Kbps or less.

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