Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Keep an Eye on Your Kids (or Employees)

Keep an Eye on Your Kids (or Employees)
I have talked about this in previous posts, but there are certainly varying opinions about the ethics of monitoring computer activity. I think everyone is in complete agreement that companies...

Lords to attack UK.gov failings on internet security - Register

Kerio Teams Up With Habeas Data to Grow Channel Presence in Mexico - CNNMoney.com

Symantec launches new Norton security products - CIOL

Beware iPhone Users
Apple fanatics have maintained that Apple's operating systems and applications are simply more secure than Microsoft's. Others (myself included) have held the theory that the software is not necessarily more...

Protecting Your Web Mail Account
In the wake of Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin's Yahoo email account being compromised by hackers last week, Yahoo's VP of Mail, John Kremer, wrote a brief article highlighting...

Clickjacking, the newest internet security threat - Sunshine Coast Daily

Product Review: ZoneAlarm Z100G Secure Wireless Router
Wireless networks are great. Taking the laptop and sitting at the patio table out by the pool sure beats working indoors (it would be nice if laptop manufacturers could work...

Apple and Adobe Vulnerabilities
I know that many people tend to think of Microsoft as being monopolistic. There is one area where, contrary to what opponents might have you believe, Microsoft does not have...

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