Thursday, October 9, 2008

US-based Kineticsware acquires Flintfox

US-based Kineticsware acquires Flintfox
Auckland-based Flintfox CEO becomes Kineticsware's Asia Pacific MD

Windows Mobile Roadmap session at Tech Ed New Zealand 2008
I have just received the confirmation I will be running the Windows Mobile Roadmap session (UNC117) at Tech Ed New Zealand 2008.

At this stage I don't know the exact date/time but it's all go.

See you there!

... (more in the full post)

Mozilla adds geographic tagging to Firefox
Add-on enables the browser to automatically pinpoint a user's location

Auckland Uni showcases innovation
Robotics, wireless and power technologies to be displayed

The Truth in Advertising
Some bits sound like meetings I attended... Other bits sound like exactly what I expect "Big Telco" would be talking when creating a campaign for their new JesusPhone offering...

Warning: some heavy NSFW language. But worth watching the whole thing.

NZ SaaS providers welcome Chrome as 'game changer'
Operating systems not necessary anymore, says SaaS analyst

Apple doesn't need Jobs, analyst says
There's a stable management team in place, and they know what they're doing, says analyst

Oracle and SAP fail to settle TomorrowNow lawsuit
Two sides squabbling over Oracle's access to certain documents

Google's Knol online encyclopedia launches debate forum
Adding debates to the Knol site is a good business move by Google, says blogger

What makes life? (Kinstens Interpretation)
Is it a rose that opens in the morning light?
A new leaf upon each twig, that grew from humble beginnings?

 The branch that broke will turn into the scar for life.The scar of emotion runs deep within us all, this injures everyone slowly but surely.  Until the only way out of your own emotion turns to destruction.  Destruction turns to chaos.  Chaos turns to the way the world is operating at present with only a small amount of reason and intelligent thought.

 Don’t believe everything that you see,
Because seeing isn’t believing,
Feeling is.

If I was to die today,
Would I be remembered tomorrow?

Would life go on without me?
Or does someone else’s existence end with mine?

If truth is letting people know the details of something real,
Does that mean reality is a truth only known to you?
Or is truth and reality far more complicated than that?
You could believe anything that someone tells you,
Or decide to think they are lying.
Either way your own decision is what you choose to believe.
Which in turn makes reality your own creation of thoughts comprised of facts given by not only yourself, but other people as well.  How these facts are interpreted depends on the translator.  You!  

 If something is too difficult, would you try your best to solve it, or simply give in and let someone else figure it out.

 Thought, emotion, truth, justice, wisdom, creation, intellect, visualisation, hands on experience.
Does everything come down to what the individual is capable of, or rather what the individual is willing to accomplish. 

 You have to experience happiness to know sadness.  You have to experience love to know hate.  If there is one thing that lives alone in this world, without needing to relate to another.  Show me this thing, for it will be a beautiful thing indeed.

 To fly is to fall,
To swim is to run,
To walk is to crawl,
To speak is to be silent,
To create is to imitate,
To build is to destroy,
To make peace is to make war! 

 Everything exists for a reason, and there is always balance.  When there is too much of one thing there has to be an equal amount of the other to compensate for the balance lost with the first.

Begin your day with birds in mind,
Never let the dawn show its face,
You will crawl upon any road given to you,
And you will find the path that suits you.

 Am I going insane or is it just a figment of my imagination.  If I was going insane, would I be trying to figure it out, or would I just ignore it and let things happen as they do.  Because when thoughts take over my life, I feel responsible for all the thoughts that are approaching my life.
Never get too involved.
Never hold a grudge.
Never begin something if you do not intend to finish it.

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