Thursday, September 4, 2008

Where to find Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand pictures on flickr

Where to find Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand pictures on flickr
You can look for pictures being uploaded to Flickr for this year's Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand by searching for the tag "tenz8".

Also, if you are uploading pictures, please use the same "tenz8" tag in your pictures.

... (more in the full post)

Dell mini-laptop hits the streets
Dell has officially launched its long awaited ebook

Mindscape at Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand 2008
If you follow the folks at Mindscape, then here is a list of sessions they will be running at this year's Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand:


Overview of SQL Server 2008 (DAT302) - Monday 2:15pm What's New in WPF 3.5 and 3.5 SP1 (DEV... (more in the full post)

Good Tech Ed 2008 keynote writeup at Computerworld
At Computerworld NZ you can read a good write up of today's Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand keynote, delivered by Amit Mital, General Manager Live Mesh:


Microsoft general manager Amit Mital emphasised the advantages of agility and ... (more in the full post)

Yellow Pages buys over 50s site targeted by directory giant

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