Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Confidence factor blocks local open source ambitions

Confidence factor blocks local open source ambitions
The optimisitc future of open source questioned at Computer Society meeting

My Zero G flight experience: the pictures
In my previous post you can see a short video with my Zero G flight experience. I have now uploaded some of the pictures to my Flickr Zero G set:

Maire sells Rakon shares to fund other investments
Auckland's Fusion Electronics among firms to benefit

The new Microsoft ads... enjoy!
Here we go, for your viewing pleasure:

I like those. Why? Because when Apple launched the "I am a Mac, I am PC" ads they decide to approach the whole game as a battle between stereotypes. They also had no moral problems in comparing the platforms directly. Which is ok, when done by a independent party - not by a company that will of course show some bias.

So the Microsoft "I am a PC" ads are not like that. They don't try to make the competition look bad. Instead they try to show you why you should care.

And yes, I do have Macs here at home too.

LHC (Large Hadron Collider): Live web-cam
Over in Europe, the Large Hadron Collider has gone online to much fanfare. It is the hope of the researchers that the most fundamental nature of matter can be explored, looking for the so-called "God particle". Of course, there is also a vocal minori... (more in the full post)

Microsoft Office OneNote File Uniform Resource Locator Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Office is vulnerable to remote code execution through specially-crafted OneNote URLs.

SQL DB? No firewall? Weak admin password? That is a trojan coming your way alright
According to the Symantec Security Response Blog, a new trojan called Trojan.Eskiuel is going around infiltrating SQL servers and causing havoc:

This time we have found a new SQL threat: Trojan.Eskiuel. The main functionality of this threat is to scan the Internet to find machines with poorly configured SQL servers (i.e. with weak or non-existing passwords), gain access to them, and use their stored procedures in order to download new malware from a remote host.

Check your servers...

Oracle updates database, middleware lineup
The update is a precursor to the more hotly anticipated 11g R2 release

The National Broadband Map - Beta
[quote]The National Broadband Map exists to comprehensively map New Zealand's Broadband landscape and provide information and tools to aid in demand aggregation and infrastructure planning. The National Broadband Map can be accessed and consumed in... (more in the full post)

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