Friday, September 26, 2008

Large Hadron Collider, More bad news. Unlikely to Restart till March - April '09

Large Hadron Collider, More bad news. Unlikely to Restart till March - April '09
Unfortunately, the LHC has had further delays which could cause for a longer wait to get it up and running.

This is definitely disappointing to a lot of us who were eagerly waiting to see what the results would be.

Whilst the LHC may send particles around at nearly the speed of light, unfortunately the repair crew can't work anywhere near as fast.

The LHC Webpage has some more great information, (click the image below or follow THIS link - no its not the joke page)

LHC Cool Down Status

Dabbling in OpenSolaris
Recently, I have had the chance to dabble a bit in OpenSolaris while working on a particular server installation. OpenSolaris, as you may know, is the recently open-sourced version of Sun's Solaris OS, which in turn is one of the man... (more in the full post)

Another week and starting to think
After driving (and fixing the bloody thing) a truck all week, I love to come home of an evening and play with my toys.
The reason I have owned MP3 players for about 6-7 years is to keep me entertained in my daily grind.
The reason for the new iPod was the space!
Sometimes on the road you cant get radio... or the music sucks... or you are just sick of the ads!
With the 160gig Classic I have my tunes, crap loads of podcasts and some vids for downtime/lunch breaks. I'm actually amazed at the amount of podcasts I go through in a week.
This is one of my gripes...
I live in the Kapiti region and am lucky enough to have cable.
Unfortunately, the plans blow dogs!
I have a 10mbit connection with a 20gig cap. I have gone over that this month with podcasts alone!
With one just-about-at-school daughter and a baby on the way, I can't afford the extra money to up my cap, and TCL don't offer a 4mbit plan with a 30gig cap for the price of the 10/20 plan. I don't need 2mbit up... I don't need 10mbit down really. but I do need 20-30 gig a month. Don't get me wrong, the speed is brilliant (I used to run a game server here and had the big lightspeed plan at the time). But in these days of uncertainty, I just can't afford the extra $$$ for the cap. Sure, If my better half was working instead of pregnant, I could. If my boss paid more, I could. If I won Lotto (ha), I could... But these things aren't happenening!
I know companies are out to make a profit.
I know I would be!
But where is a middle-ground??
TCL don't have one.
After five years I'm looking at options.
New net, new phone and no cable TV (this will greatly annoy my daughter and better-half as playhouse disney saves the day at times, and when the new baby comes, discovery will keep me sane at 3am)

C'mon, TCL, make a plan that gives me a 4mbit connection with a 30gig cap... I'm sure I'm not the only low-paid geek in the cable region!

BTW, why does every other ISP want my phone number and then tell me it doesn't exist! I have TCL phone, we do exist! Please just give me a map of your broadband areas!

Wellington Tweetup
Wellington Tweetup starts tonight at 5pm, at the Malthouse

I have shouted a few free beers - Epic Pale Ale

More Info

If you go send me a tweet or upload a pic to flickr so I can see what I have missed out on.


T-Mobile, Google and HTC introduce first Android phone
The phone features many Google applications, and is integrated with the Amazon MP3 store

Microsoft Essential Business Server 2008 (EBS 2008) finalised - incl Forefront TMG 2008
Microsoft have today finalised their new server software bundle - Microsoft Essential Business Server 2008. This comes less than 4 weeks after Microsoft Small Business Server 2008 was released to manufacturing.

Of special interest is that th... (more in the full post)

Tip of the day - buy some Telecom NZ shares
Currently at $2.70 these are a bargain!

Once all the idiots have sold out the better things will be for Telecom. Telecom is not the company it was 4 years ago. It is a lean mean telco run by a very smart CEO that will continute to dominate the NZ landscape for many many many years to come.

Lets hope the investors bailing out at present are the idiots who only invested in the company for their dividend - greedy people who were only ever in it for a quick return. Those same people who pushed for Telecom to make big profits and caused the problems that are now the stumbling block the company is having to deal with.

Those buying shares now are the smart ones who realise that a bargain they are getting...

Kiwi ergonomics software wins $4.5M US deal
Big step forward for the Christchurch company

More on Orcon
I tried to add this as a comment to my previous post, but for some reason I couldn't, so:

So today I got my new Sky City Movies 2 for 1 pass from Orcon as promised. I was pleasantly surprised, given the previous experiences, I didn't think I'd hear from them again.

As to the service I've had 8 days in the last 3 weeks where it didn't break down at all. Last night however the wireless router was playing up and killed me off in the poker tournament I had worked so hard to qualify for. One hand I had pocket Kings and bet 2/3 of my chips, by the time the modem reconnected instead of doubling or trebling up they were gone. $300 I won't be seeing.

I did have 2 bad days last week, one with 79 disconnections and the other with 362 and I still don't have Caller ID, otherwise I would have to say it was pretty good.

Everything you wanted to ask Freeview...
I've just opened a discussion in our Freeview forum on Geekzone where you can post your questions about the Freeview broadcast service.

Freeview will be answering your questions and we will post the replies to start a discussion on that.

With time, if people show interest we could even schedule a live on-line chat. It all depends of your participation.

If you have been living under a rock, Freeview will become the standard open to air TV broadcast standard with satellite (standard definition) and and terrestrial (high definition)  services.

Maire sells Rakon shares to fund other investments
Auckland's Fusion Electronics among firms to benefit

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