Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tip of the day - buy some Telecom NZ shares

Currently at $2.70 these are a bargain!

Once all the idiots have sold out the better things will be for Telecom. Telecom is not the company it was 4 years ago. It is a lean mean telco run by a very smart CEO that will continute to dominate the NZ landscape for many many many years to come.

Lets hope the investors bailing out at present are the idiots who only invested in the company for their dividend - greedy people who were only ever in it for a quick return. Those same people who pushed for Telecom to make big profits and caused the problems that are now the stumbling block the company is having to deal with.

Those buying shares now are the smart ones who realise that a bargain they are getting...
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The Software Freedom Day is coming up this weekend, on Saturday the 20th of September. SFD is an annual and international event, with around 500 teams in 90 countries organising local events. The biggest one in New Zealand will be in Wellington, but ... (more in the full post)
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Yesterday, I was lucky enough to be at this event in the Vector Arena, where TelstraClear took the opportunity to outline plans, recall success and show off some truly impressive technology.

Actually I was on one of the stands talking about IP Gateway and Next IP Laughing

I was also fortunate enough to see the preparations first-hand yesterday morning (I arrived early with the Events Managers, so got a back-stage tour), and spoke to some of the folks that put the show together. Really cool stuff, and a real chest-thumping show.

The hologram of Rove was beamed in live across the Trans-tasman link, and there was very little delay - Rove commented that the delay was doing wonders for comic timing. He showed a picture of that mornings Sydney Morning Herald, although the sport section had fallen out of it.... maybe into a large rugby cup....

So a first for TCL, but also a real-revving of the engines at the core of the company....

NB: I work at TelstraClear

- A
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