Thursday, September 4, 2008

Telecom free mobile e-mail offer extended

Telecom free mobile e-mail offer extended
I was told yesterday that Telecom's Okta Agent Free Email plan - one year of free mobile data for e-mail usage - is now extended until 31st October.

I posted about this some time ago when it was originally launched. In short you get a free Okta Agent Windows Mobile smartphone when you sign up for 24 months with a Telecom to FLEXI Business or Team Builder mobile voice plans and get the new Okta Agent Free Email plan - one year of free mobile data for e-mail usage!

Basically it is one year of free data for POP/IMAP and Exchange ActiveSync - while you are in the 24 month contract and using the Okta Agent - you can check our Okta Agent review here.

You can also use this data for downloading attachments from your e-mail server and of course a bit of light browsing - perhaps a link you receive on an e-mail for example.

The device is not to be used as a modem for laptops, servers, etc - and a fair use policy applies. For what I've heard this will be monitored, but most people using POP/IMAP and Exchange ActiveSync would be pretty safe. This is from their FAQ:

Some examples of where your usage may be considered excessive and/or unreasonable are if you use your OKTA Agent:
  • For sending and receiving extremely large email attachments like TV shows
  • To watch TV programmes or download other streaming media - video or audio
  • As a modem to download email or surf the net on your home computer
  • For peer to peer data sharing (BitTorrent for example)

I see the FAQ page still says valid through 31st August, but it seems the stores got word yesterday that this promotion was being extended. I also got an e-mail from a Telecom contact when I asked about this plan, because I intend to talk about it during my Microsoft Tech Ed session.

IE8, Tab Grouping and Task Manager
IE8 beta 2 has been a great release so far from our Redmond friends. We should not forget that its still Beta and we will have issues with it.

I was playing around with IE8 Tab Grouping and also looking into Task Manager on how IE8 was performing.

Tab Grouping is a cool feature which gives a color for similar tabs opened from same web site. For example, you may be reading an article from a web site and suddenly you see something interesting, and click that link to open in a new tab. IE8 groups those two tabs and treats them to be different web page links from the same web site and thus gives a color to it so that we can easily identify where the tabs came from.

Most interesting is even the Quick Tabs will show that color Smile


(click to enlarge)

Suddenly I thought why not open Task Manager and see what's going on


I was surprised to see that there are 10 instances of iexplore.exe running and also to see it marked as a 32 bit application even though I have installed the 64bit version in my 64bit Vista Ultimate!

I also found that I had opened 10 Tab Groups opened (based on the color) which directly relates to 10 instances running in Task Manager!

What is happening here!

Let us do some test:

1) I opened IE8 and fired up the Task Manager


You can see that shows 2 instances running!

2) Let us open 3 tabs now


We now have 4 instances running!

3) Lets close two tabs in the previous screen-shot


I still have 4 instances running!

I really do not know what is happening here, but each instance does use memory!

What with IE7?


(Click to enlarge)

I have opened 4 tabs and yet I get only one instance running (This IE7 is a 32 bit version though)

Any suggestions or comments are welcome

UPDATE: This is a new feature called LCIE. To know more about LCIE, please visit here
UPDATE: Regarding the 32bit thingy, IE8 defaults to 32bit becoz so many Addons are still 32bit and dont have native 64bit versions. Thanks to Nathan Mercer for pointing it out. The 64bit executable is available from the start menu though :) 

SilverStripe supporting the Democratic National Convention
Well done to the team at SilverStripe for being part of the technology behind this year's Democratic National Convention.

The DNC is using SilverStripe's open source content management system to power its website.

SilverStripe is based here in Wellington, New Zealand. The DNC used SilverStripe's software and services to create the website - which the company says may easily be the busiest website they have built to date.

Spread the world with the Unofficial Tech Ed blog widget
You can help us spread the world about the things happening at the Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand by using this widget:

You can just click in "Options" and use the code to insert it in your page or blog.

... (more in the full post)

Who is at the Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand 2008 marketplace?
I've just received a list of the companies (in alphabetical order) exhibiting in the marketplace:


ACE Training


Anyware Computer Accessories

Argent Software



CommVault Systems

Data... (more in the full post)

iovation Wins Award for Best in Internet Security - Business Wire (press release)

Council Approves Plan Change
No surprise:

With the plan change a sizable chunk of the airfield, including the area with all the hangars and control tower, the grass strip adjacent to the sealed strip, and I believe the eastern end of the field including what roughly appears to be the displaced threshold area are rezoned into various non aviation zonings.

I believe (although the document is hard reading) that almost all the sealed strip and immediate surrounds, right across to wigram road infact remains zone "A" for Aviation and the approach fans are in place still so technically it could still operate as an airfield, but naturally the developers can now use the fact that housing development will occur to basically the boundary as a convenient excuse to proceed with the shut down of aviation operations --- from there on it's a rubber stamp affair to get then remaining A zone changed into other zones (Living 1-3, Business, and Conservation) due to no aviation activity occuring.

Once again, the Christchurch City Council has failed the people who voted it in.  For shame those councillors who voted for a plan change to which the people you are tasked with representing are quite clearly against.

Whilst I'm certainly not one to give up without a fight, I'm not sure at this point there are any ways in which we could have an effect, with the plan change approved the council has I expect let the cat out of the proverbial and wouldn't be able to put it back even if it could be convinced to do so. 

I'm open to ideas though.

Software Freedom Day in Wellington

What is software freedom day?

Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) to be held this year on 20th September 2008. Our goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home, and in business -- in short, everywhere! The non-profit company Software Freedom International coordinates SFD at a global level, providing support, giveaways and a point of collaboration, but volunteer teams around the world organize the local SFD events to impact their own communities.

What's on in Wellington?

This year Unlimited Potential, CWA New Media, New Zealand Open Source Society (NZOSS), SuperHappyDevHouse, WellyLUG, Cafenet, Catalyst IT and Sun Microsystems have combined forces to organise a local event to be held at the Wellington Convention Centre - Civic Suites 1 & 2 in Wellington from 12pm - 6pm. There are two main parts to the schedule - an opensource barcamp and a hackfest. Register here and come along and celebrate Software Freedom Day by taking part. There will be free wifi, coffee all day at the venue, and pizza and beer as things wrap up at 6pm.

The Official Tech Ed New Zealand drinking game
It is Sunday morning, and I slept twelve hours (went to bed at 7:30pm last night) just to be ready for this year's Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand - speakers' dinner planned for tonight, bloggers' dinner tomorrow, TechFest Tuesday - plus all sessions a... (more in the full post)

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