Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Social Networking at Work

Social Networking at Work
Do you have a MySpace or Facebook site? Do you access it from your computer at work? Social networking sites like these are one of the next challenges facing information...

Microsoft's new (and confusing) ad
Well. Microsoft sure have left me in a confused state of mind (along with many others). Do I need to say more?

Microsoft Surface at Tech Ed Australia 2008
Oh! The Australians will have the chance to see - and touch - the Microsoft Surface table according to the TechNet Australia blog.

Lucky folks...

... (more in the full post)

Computerworld interviews Amit Mital, Microsoft GM Live Mesh
Computerworld New Zealand has posted Rob O'Neill's interview with Amit Mital, Microsoft General Manager for Live Mesh. The interview was conducted during the Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand 2008, in Auckland.

Other related articles o... (more in the full post)

ID Theft Protection Not Worth It
Back in April I wrote a blog post where I stated that in my opinion nothing in the world of digital data is unbreakable or impenetrable and that LifeLock, an...

Flaw Found in Google Chrome;
Security Researchers have annouced the first flaw found in the much hyped Chrome browser from Google:
*** Update *** Flaw Demo included.

The issue exists  in the way that Chrome behaves with undefined-handlers in chrome.dll version

This crash can occur without any user interaction.

When a Malicious link is visited, that has a 'special' character after an undefined handler, The browser crashes, with a message "Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed. Restart Now?"

(source: , credit: Rishi Narang)

There is a demo of the working flaw at the source site.

Due to the Open source nature of the Chrome Browser, and the fact that its from such a prominent company I expect this flaw will be the first of many as coders and researchers alike tear it apart looking for flaws.

Mouse over the following link to crash Chrome CRASH CHROME

WRC Repco NZ Rally
Well, back safely - what a drive! Over 7 hours each way with no one to share the load.

On European motorways that would be fine (just tedious!) - set the cruise control at 100 miles an hour and listen to CD's as you waft along a 6 lane glass-smooth motorway obligingly built with regular rest areas featuring quality food and fuel right along side. I used to do this annually on a boys weekend trip (well - it was a week actually!) down to Le Mans for the 24 Hr in June.

In Godzone? Ha - I wish! "State Highway" should be re-phrased "Back Road"! I felt every single mile and was wrung out by the time I arrived. Then found that most of Waikato's roads featured something new to me - a "washout"! One of them had apparently only been upgraded from an unsurfaced track to a proper road with tarmac a mere 6 months previously - now a big section is just AWOL somewhere down a hill!

Still, it was worth the endurance test. The Rally was great fun to watch - shame that we have to wait until 2010 for the next one (it now alternates with Oz, so they get it in 09). 

Hackers find use for Google Code Search - Computerworld

GZ Moderators Meeting In Progress
Despite not actually being a mod anymore, here we are in Wellington having our mod meeting... homemade cookies and orange juice, just getting our WiFi sorted... and then into the session.

Mauricio is worried about his tablet being connected ... (more in the full post)

Sunny weather + camera = new cellsite pics
A few photos taken today of new NZ Comms + Telecom sites in the Hutt Valley.

Upgraded Telecom Lower Hutt site in the foreground and Woosh + NZ Comms gear on the back building. This Telecom site was one of the first in Wellington to be upgraded for GSM 850 + UMTS 2100. The Woosh site has been in existance for several years now but the panels for NZ Comms have been in place for a couple of months now but are not live.

GSM is still live today on Telecom's site even though the GSM network has now been canned, obviously those sites that did have GSM gear fitted will still be live until it's removed and replaced with the UMTS 850 cards. I guess we'll be seeing some cheap 850MHz GSM equipment on Trademe soon! :-)

Main Vodafone site in Lower Hutt. 900 GSM + 2100 UMTS + 1800 GSM panels.

This site = M3gA Fa1L and should be used as a textbook example of how not to deploy a cellsite.
When the 2100 gear was added the sectorisation of this site was changed and neither of the 3 sectors now face the Westfield Queensgate mall right opposite. As a result inbuilding coverage in the mall is absolutely terrible with no coverage in large parts of the mall. Microwave links exist to several other sites including Petone, Ava and Mt Fitzherbert.

Waterloo Railway Stn site with both Telecom and Vodafone sites. Telecom panels are in the front left with the grey one on the left being a trial CDMA panel installed on several sites (Waterloo, Hutt CBD and Hutt VIC Corner) several years ago that can automatically pan & tilt to optimise the network depending on traffic load. Vodafone 900 & 2100 panels are in within the cream cylinderical enclosures at the other end.

This particular site has featured in the Hutt News this week as NZ Comms have applied for council permission to mount their gear there and some of the anti-cellsite people have jumped onto the bandwagon. Some of these anti-cellsite campaigners really should do their homework before they make idiots of themselves talking to the media when equipment for both Vodafone & Telecom as well as numerous council links for the smartlinx3 network already operate.

From the Hutt News 2/9/08  
Some residents in the Knights Road area are concerned that they haven't been consulted over a proposal to erect a telecommunications microwave tower and related equipment on top of the Waterloo Interchange building.

One resident believes the Hutt City Council has only sent information to a select few properties right opposite, including Omega Wigs at 214 Knights Road, Take Five and the dairy adjacent.

"This seems totally wrong and several homeowners/residents in the area who have learned of the application are concerned at the implications for them, their families and their property values if that application is approved and the towers and other equipment pods proceed."

Another concern is for the many pregnant women and children who regularly use the railway/bus station. They want to be assured this equipment is safe.

New NZ Comms site at Avalon

A closeup of the panels. NZ Comms don't appear to be painting any of their panels (special paint has to be used so it doesn't affect the RF properties) so this site stands out like a sore thumb. The mast has been painted green to fit in with the surroundings. Looking at the cables still coiled up below I'm guessing a microwave horn is still to be fitted for backhaul.

Vodafone site right next to the NZ Comms one. Bit hard to see detail due to the sun but it has 2100 UMTS panels on top and 900 GSM panels in the middle. Site and panels are all green but the microwave horn is still white (links to Avalon studios site).

Closeup of existing Vodafone 2100 UTMS panel (left) and new NZ Comms 900 GSM panel on the top of the Avalon TV studios tower block.

Upgraded Wingate Telecom site. One of only a handful of sites around Wellington still using omni aerials. This site was one of the last in the Hutt Valley to be upgraded before the Telecom rollout seems to have been temporarily halted. Also one of the only upgraded sites that never had a live 850 GSM signal - maybe this was only going to be a 2100Mhz site.

Closeup of the panels - this site is one of the original Telecom Mobile designs and dates back to ~1990. Note the south facing UMTS panel is a lot smaller since it's facing directly into a hillside that you can see in the picture above.

New Telecom CDMA + GSM 850 + UMTS 2100 site at Naenae. This site replaces the one below that used to be in Naenae Primary School.

#tenz8 Notes from the Field at NZ Tech-Ed 08 day 3
When Where What
03-09-2008 7:00 Hotel Good morning Lord (at least it's better than "good lord, it's morning!") 5.5 hours sleep not enough
03-09-2008 9:00 WEB309 Jonas on Silverlight
03-09-2008 9:45 WEB309 in Silverlight, all networking is asynchronous
03-09-2008 10:00 WEB309 if (HtmlPage.IsEnabled) useDB else useStub;
03-09-2008 10:15 WEB309 having just seen it quickly demoed, I finally understand MembersipProvider
03-09-2008 10:45 SEC201 largest room is packed for Steve Riley
03-09-2008 11:15 SEC201 steve showed Bush-Blair-Love-Duet. laf!
03-09-2008 11:30 SEC201 steve is an Evolutionist. I am not.
03-09-2008 11:45 SEC201 risk = threat (severity) x vulnerability (1 or 0) x exposure (dollars)
03-09-2008 12:00 SEC201 great stuff, good entertainer, raving liberal
03-09-2008 12:10 Lab bin05 lab authoring ms sql reports
03-09-2008 13:00 Lab i feel it's time (when the refresh laptop arrives next week) to install sql08 and vs sp1
03-09-2008 13:25 Lunch @freitasm informed me my 2 posts from the field were too big!
03-09-2008 14:30 DAT355 fixed posts but missed first half of Greg Lows talk
03-09-2008 14:45 DAT355 anybody sticking around for dinner tonight?
03-09-2008 15:00 DAT355 Greg is usually better than this but: death by PowerPoint
03-09-2008 15:15 DAT355 presenters: PP is for agendas, not white-papers
03-09-2008 15:30 DAT355 funniest presenter comment (which is also true for me) "I have no inner dialogue"
03-09-2008 15:35 Tea see you Owen. Wellington represent!
03-09-2008 16:00 DEV486 MindScape on da stage. Wellington represent!
03-09-2008 16:30 DEV486 hey! c# has #if debug. VB had that how long?
03-09-2008 17:00 DEV486 extension methods will be useful
03-09-2008 18:00 Drinkies Monsoon Poon 7pm (go dutch)

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