Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dell Inspiron Mini 9: Windows is worth ... nothing?

So, the widely anticipated new Dell Inspiron Mini 9 is finally available, as was reported everywhere today, even here on Geekzone.

When you take a look at Dell's web-site where you can buy and configure your machine, you can see that a mode... (more in the full post)

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And it works well! It can pick up to 100 songs just based on one song. I gave it "High Speed Dirt" by Megadeth and it came up with Pantera, Slayer, Anthrax, Motorhead to Maiden, GnR, Cinderella and Whitesnake. A great collection of songs for long distance driving (for me anyway)!
It took less than 5 seconds and you can save the playlist for next time you sync your ipod.

I actually don't mind itunes 8 so far, but now I'm going to play with grid view... wish me luck, I might need it.

Update: Actually just saw a rumour that the Genius function might come to the firmware of the "old" classics.
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Strange things happen when security is concerned, and this I think is some strange way to market some DMZGlobal security and management products:

I think it just publicises this (and him) more - he got enough attention in the media a few months ago!
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According to the Symantec Security Response Blog, a new trojan called Trojan.Eskiuel is going around infiltrating SQL servers and causing havoc:

This time we have found a new SQL threat: Trojan.Eskiuel. The main functionality of this threat is to scan the Internet to find machines with poorly configured SQL servers (i.e. with weak or non-existing passwords), gain access to them, and use their stored procedures in order to download new malware from a remote host.

Check your servers...
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Back in April I wrote a blog post where I stated that in my opinion nothing in the world of digital data is unbreakable or impenetrable and that LifeLock, an... Read More

Well, Friday the 12th was a day to remember.

Disturbed played Christchurch. To be more precise, Disturbed blew the roof off the Westpac Trust centre and rained Metal all over Addington.

What a concert - my lovely wife & I went along expecting to feel old and colourful against the sea of black t-shirts & jeans and were surprised to be nowhere near the oldest rockers there. And there was much more than just black t-shirts on view.

Redline started up OK - tickets said first band on at 7.15 but I'm fairly sure that Redline started earlier than that; they were over by 7.30pm. Alterbridge did their set against intermittant house lights that kept coming up - their set was OK, but not quite what I expected. P.O.D. were OK as well - we both expected more from them though.

However, from the moment Dave Draiman was wheeled on until the house lights came back up at the end, Disturbed owned the show!  Audio was loud & clear, the lighting was great and their prescence on stage was impressive.

We had seats dead centre at the top and we could see everything really well.  We watched the moshpit sway left and right as those up front got right into it. It was funny to see the large number of glowing cell phones held up and recording in the standing crowd from up top where we were. And the clouds of dubious looking smoke rising to the lights. :)

DD had a few words to say at the end of the gig, and his comments on the chick(s) who decided to remove articles of their clothing (and everything for one girl) got a good laugh for all. (FWIW apparently the 2nd chick who presented herself to the crowd to have a look at wasn't all that hot, according to a friend in the moshpit who was right there next to her).

Then Disturbed ended up their set with 'The Sickness' and had the crowd really pumping and jumping. And several thousand happy sweaty people made their way out into the cold Christchurch evening.

What a night!!!
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SharePoint Technology brings the team together, says director Read More

Currently at $2.70 these are a bargain!

Once all the idiots have sold out the better things will be for Telecom. Telecom is not the company it was 4 years ago. It is a lean mean telco run by a very smart CEO that will continute to dominate the NZ landscape for many many many years to come.

Lets hope the investors bailing out at present are the idiots who only invested in the company for their dividend - greedy people who were only ever in it for a quick return. Those same people who pushed for Telecom to make big profits and caused the problems that are now the stumbling block the company is having to deal with.

Those buying shares now are the smart ones who realise that a bargain they are getting...
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I have just noticed the Akamai State of the Internet report Q2 2008 is out now. Interesting stats from around the world - worth reading it.

From a New Zealand perspective here is the only data provided:

- more than 962,000 uniqye IP addresses, a 3.78% increase from Q1 2008, about 0.23 per capita (or about 1 for almost four people here);
- only 2% connected to Akamai servers at 5 Mbps or more - 0.01 "high broadband" per capita;
- 52% connected to Akamai servers at 2 Mbps or more;
- 10% connected at 256 Kbps or less.

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