Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dell Inspiron Mini 9: Windows is worth ... nothing?

So, the widely anticipated new Dell Inspiron Mini 9 is finally available, as was reported everywhere today, even here on Geekzone.

When you take a look at Dell's web-site where you can buy and configure your machine, you can see that a mode... (more in the full post)

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When Where What
03-09-2008 7:00 Hotel Good morning Lord (at least it's better than "good lord, it's morning!") 5.5 hours sleep not enough
03-09-2008 9:00 WEB309 Jonas on Silverlight
03-09-2008 9:45 WEB309 in Silverlight, all networking is asynchronous
03-09-2008 10:00 WEB309 if (HtmlPage.IsEnabled) useDB else useStub;
03-09-2008 10:15 WEB309 having just seen it quickly demoed, I finally understand MembersipProvider
03-09-2008 10:45 SEC201 largest room is packed for Steve Riley
03-09-2008 11:15 SEC201 steve showed Bush-Blair-Love-Duet. laf!
03-09-2008 11:30 SEC201 steve is an Evolutionist. I am not.
03-09-2008 11:45 SEC201 risk = threat (severity) x vulnerability (1 or 0) x exposure (dollars)
03-09-2008 12:00 SEC201 great stuff, good entertainer, raving liberal
03-09-2008 12:10 Lab bin05 lab authoring ms sql reports
03-09-2008 13:00 Lab i feel it's time (when the refresh laptop arrives next week) to install sql08 and vs sp1
03-09-2008 13:25 Lunch @freitasm informed me my 2 posts from the field were too big!
03-09-2008 14:30 DAT355 fixed posts but missed first half of Greg Lows talk
03-09-2008 14:45 DAT355 anybody sticking around for dinner tonight?
03-09-2008 15:00 DAT355 Greg is usually better than this but: death by PowerPoint
03-09-2008 15:15 DAT355 presenters: PP is for agendas, not white-papers
03-09-2008 15:30 DAT355 funniest presenter comment (which is also true for me) "I have no inner dialogue"
03-09-2008 15:35 Tea see you Owen. Wellington represent!
03-09-2008 16:00 DEV486 MindScape on da stage. Wellington represent!
03-09-2008 16:30 DEV486 hey! c# has #if debug. VB had that how long?
03-09-2008 17:00 DEV486 extension methods will be useful
03-09-2008 18:00 Drinkies Monsoon Poon 7pm (go dutch)
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I can really understand why there are more infections with malware on computers running Windows than those that run other OSs. Firstly, there are of course less people using those other OSs, thus the distributors of malware naturally... (more in the full post)
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The new Dell™ Inspiron™ Mini 9 gives you the
convenience of going anywhere with a companion that
doesn't get in your way. Designed with clean lines and a
refined shape, the Mini 9 will induce jealousy.



Easy to carry, starting at just 2.28 lbs* with an 8.9" screen.

Available in two classic colors: black and white.

Complete with its own full set of optional accessories
"Designed for Dell."


Trek far and wide with your new companion with its long-lasting battery and new Intel® Atom™ processors.
Your world is just a click away with advanced connectivity options, including internal WiFi*.


Large keys make it easy for surfing or blogging.

Look for Ubuntu MID Edition 8.04 (Linux) when customizing your Mini 9 or upgrade to Genuine Windows® XP.
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ChromeI was going to post a few links about Googles new browser 'Chrome' in my weekly Linkification post - but as theres such a flood of information and articles this week I've decided to move them into their own blog post. So here it is:

Google Chrome, Google’s Browser Project - a great article which includes the original announcement and the 38 page comic that Google put together as a product overview.
Google Chrome screenshots - for those who haven't taken the plunge yet.
Google Chrome, Chromium, and V8 launch today - the official word from Google.

And now some local reaction / opinion:

Xero's Rod Drury talks about the significance of Chrome - Xero were also very quick to update their site to support Chrome beta.
The Geekzone forum thread on Chrome - some love, some hate and some serious paranoia!

By the way, this blog entry was posted from Chrome. How are you finding it? :)
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Where Comments
01-09-2008 8:27 Plenary in plenary session
01-09-2008 8:53 Plenary listening to John Key
01-09-2008 8:54 Plenary disintermediate?
01-09-2008 9:03 Plenary NZ is an under-performing company. change the management
01-09-2008 9:05 Plenary meaningless Global Warming dribble from Labour
01-09-2008 9:13 Plenary 2000 IT pros here now
01-09-2008 9:25 Plenary Live Mesh = software + services
01-09-2008 9:27 Plenary Google = software as a service
01-09-2008 10:44 WEB301 Scott Hanselman starting
01-09-2008 12:10 WEB301 MVC routing as user interface
01-09-2008 12:13 DEV215 Windows Mobile development started
01-09-2008 12:40 DEV215 great demo query webservice and create calendar item
01-09-2008 13:00 DEV215 Silverlight 4 Mobile is immanent
01-09-2008 14:24 SOA301 how to AJAX enable WCF services
01-09-2008 15:10 SOA301 ctrl+k+v = auto-format
01-09-2008 15:19 SOA301 register web service inside ScriptManager
01-09-2008 15:53 WEB302 when scottha mentions poo shout skull
01-09-2008 16:27 WEB302 scottha is demo-ing Linq 2 REST
01-09-2008 16:53 WEB302 big ups from scottha to Ivan Towlson. prestige!
01-09-2008 17:05 WEB302 Scott Hanselman's The Man! 
01-09-2008 17:15 DEV335 VB2008 Starts
01-09-2008 18:15 DEV335 i cannot conceive of any use for anonymous delegates
01-09-2008 18:30 DEV335 Nick Randolph Speaks My Language
01-09-2008 20:00 Dinner bloggers dinner starts
01-09-2008 20:08 Dinner just discovered none of my tenz8 tweats were logged!
01-09-2008 22:08 Dinner scottha talks 32 ways 2 make blog suck less
01-09-2008 23:00 Bar Plenty of social networking opportunities.  A great forum. 
01-09-2008 23:30 Bar I might have volunteered to assist Mauricio with his GeekZone DB issues?!?!?!
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Jesper Johansson, co-author of Windows Vista Security: Securing Vista Against Malicious Attacks, recently wrote an article in The Register which dissects a new type of threat. Anyone with a blog... Read More

If you follow the folks at Mindscape, then here is a list of sessions they will be running at this year's Microsoft Tech Ed New Zealand:


Overview of SQL Server 2008 (DAT302) - Monday 2:15pm What's New in WPF 3.5 and 3.5 SP1 (DEV... (more in the full post)

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