Monday, September 15, 2008

Chrome roundup

Chrome roundup
ChromeI was going to post a few links about Googles new browser 'Chrome' in my weekly Linkification post - but as theres such a flood of information and articles this week I've decided to move them into their own blog post. So here it is:

Google Chrome, Google’s Browser Project - a great article which includes the original announcement and the 38 page comic that Google put together as a product overview.
Google Chrome screenshots - for those who haven't taken the plunge yet.
Google Chrome, Chromium, and V8 launch today - the official word from Google.

And now some local reaction / opinion:

Xero's Rod Drury talks about the significance of Chrome - Xero were also very quick to update their site to support Chrome beta.
The Geekzone forum thread on Chrome - some love, some hate and some serious paranoia!

By the way, this blog entry was posted from Chrome. How are you finding it? :)

Microsoft Dynamics GP Multiple (4) Buffer Overflows
The Microsoft Dynamics GP is vulnerable to four heap and stack-based buffer overflows. A remote attacker could overflow the buffer and execute arbitrary code or gain control of the affected system by sending malicious queries to the Distributed Process Server or Distributed Process Manager.

#tenz8 Notes from the Field at NZ Tech-Ed 08 day 3
When Where What
03-09-2008 7:00 Hotel Good morning Lord (at least it's better than "good lord, it's morning!") 5.5 hours sleep not enough
03-09-2008 9:00 WEB309 Jonas on Silverlight
03-09-2008 9:45 WEB309 in Silverlight, all networking is asynchronous
03-09-2008 10:00 WEB309 if (HtmlPage.IsEnabled) useDB else useStub;
03-09-2008 10:15 WEB309 having just seen it quickly demoed, I finally understand MembersipProvider
03-09-2008 10:45 SEC201 largest room is packed for Steve Riley
03-09-2008 11:15 SEC201 steve showed Bush-Blair-Love-Duet. laf!
03-09-2008 11:30 SEC201 steve is an Evolutionist. I am not.
03-09-2008 11:45 SEC201 risk = threat (severity) x vulnerability (1 or 0) x exposure (dollars)
03-09-2008 12:00 SEC201 great stuff, good entertainer, raving liberal
03-09-2008 12:10 Lab bin05 lab authoring ms sql reports
03-09-2008 13:00 Lab i feel it's time (when the refresh laptop arrives next week) to install sql08 and vs sp1
03-09-2008 13:25 Lunch @freitasm informed me my 2 posts from the field were too big!
03-09-2008 14:30 DAT355 fixed posts but missed first half of Greg Lows talk
03-09-2008 14:45 DAT355 anybody sticking around for dinner tonight?
03-09-2008 15:00 DAT355 Greg is usually better than this but: death by PowerPoint
03-09-2008 15:15 DAT355 presenters: PP is for agendas, not white-papers
03-09-2008 15:30 DAT355 funniest presenter comment (which is also true for me) "I have no inner dialogue"
03-09-2008 15:35 Tea see you Owen. Wellington represent!
03-09-2008 16:00 DEV486 MindScape on da stage. Wellington represent!
03-09-2008 16:30 DEV486 hey! c# has #if debug. VB had that how long?
03-09-2008 17:00 DEV486 extension methods will be useful
03-09-2008 18:00 Drinkies Monsoon Poon 7pm (go dutch)

SubSonic Workaround and Profile Storage Space Issues

SubSonic Bug Workaround

SubSonic is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) tool to which I converted a few months back from Strongly-Typed Datasets in Visual Studio.  SubSonic is a free open source program.  It’s brilliant because you point it at your database (supplying the database connection string) and it generates the code that maps your tables into classes.  It automatically generates your Data Access Layer for you.  Anytime you need to alter a table structure, you merely re-run SubSonic, et voila, your classes instantly reflect the change.  You don’t need to muck around with editing 4 stored procedures like I used to do with Strongly Typed Datasets.

As long as the User ID you specified in your connection string has SELECT rights on your table(s) and/or EXEC rights on your Stored Procedures, then SubSonic will pick that up and make only those objects available.  If you want your application to do INSERTS, you also need to grant that right to your User, and SubSonic will auto-generate a method for Insert.

However, I’ve recently discovered a bug, and subsequently the workaround for it. 

Problem Description

You can call a stored procedure with the following code:


    Public Function GetOutstandingRequests() As DAL.RequestCollection


        Dim sp1 As StoredProcedure

        Dim ds1 As DataSet

        Dim dt1 As DataTable

        Dim retVal As New DAL.RequestCollection


        sp1 = DAL.SPs.SelectRequestsByFilter()

        ds1 = sp1.GetDataSet()

        dt1 = ds1.Tables(0)



        Return retVal


    End Function


This will result in an error: Object does not exist on the line that attempts to GetDataSet().


The bug is that SubSonic cannot instantiate a stored procedure that doesn’t have any parameters.


The workaround is to alter your Stored Procedure to always accept at least one parameter and use them to instantiate the object, thus:


    Public Function GetOutstandingRequests( _

        ByVal createdBy As String, _

        ByVal responseTypeID As Integer?, _

        ByVal seekerID As Integer?) As DAL.RequestCollection


        Dim sp1 As StoredProcedure

        Dim ds1 As DataSet

        Dim dt1 As DataTable

        Dim retVal As New DAL.RequestCollection


        sp1 = DAL.SPs.SelectRequestsByFilter(createdBy, responseTypeID, seekerID)

        ds1 = sp1.GetDataSet()

        dt1 = ds1.Tables(0)



        Return retVal


    End Function



If anyone is aware of whether this issue will be fixed in future versions of SubSonic, I’d be grateful to be kept informed (I’m using version 2.1 [Final] at present).  Please leave a comment or send me a tweet.

Profile Storage Space Issues

Both Martin and I are experiencing blow-outs of our profile space (currently around 120MB), mainly due to Visual Studio 2008.  We can handle it with the handy little Registry snippet which grants us unlimited space.  However, logging in and out on the network is taking longer each time.

I wonder if now is a good time to think about and/or investigate the option of running Virtual Machines and moving Visual Studio onto there.  I personally don’t have the time to look into this.  What are other people’s opinions?

Norman replied:


My profile is sitting on 45Mb and I am running VS2008 (VS2005 and VS2003 as well).  I am wondering if it is SP1 for VS2008 that is storing a lot more in the d:\Documents and Settings...? 

I am a bit wary of the extra complexity of using VMs and think a better option maybe some further tweaks so that VS2008 stores its settings in a different location than d:\Documents and Settings\... .  I think most of it is set in the Registry as the options below only cover a small subset of where it stores its stuff

Totally agree we need to do something.  Recently I had to test Brochure Template on an EDS Machine in Auckland logging in using my T number.  As you can imagine very slow and could not log out (no rights to tweak the Registry).


Martin replied:


Where is the official source to state the current size of your profile?  I was looking at System properties.. Advanced.. User Profiles.. and my roaming profile was 585MB!  Is this the same profile EDS tracks?  I've culled mine back to 100MB now..

I've cut that back dramatically by deleting the ReflectedSchemas and ReflectedTypeLibs that VS likes to generate all the time.

But it is only a temporary fix, though I plan to write a script to run when I want to log off or shut down that will automatically delete them every time.

Those project and template locations tend to not have much in them unless you are creating your own user templates.

The best solution would be to exclude certain folders from our profile.  The only thing stopping that from happening is getting EDS to set it up for us?



I am reluctant to adopt Martin’s idea, as I believe those Reflected Schemas are what IntelliSense generate each time you invoke them, so I don’t want to constantly have to be waiting for IntelliSense every day.  Does anybody in the community have any (useful) suggestions?

Flaw Found in Google Chrome;
Security Researchers have annouced the first flaw found in the much hyped Chrome browser from Google:
*** Update *** Flaw Demo included.

The issue exists  in the way that Chrome behaves with undefined-handlers in chrome.dll version

This crash can occur without any user interaction.

When a Malicious link is visited, that has a 'special' character after an undefined handler, The browser crashes, with a message "Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed. Restart Now?"

(source: , credit: Rishi Narang)

There is a demo of the working flaw at the source site.

Due to the Open source nature of the Chrome Browser, and the fact that its from such a prominent company I expect this flaw will be the first of many as coders and researchers alike tear it apart looking for flaws.

Mouse over the following link to crash Chrome CRASH CHROME

#tenz8 Notes from the Field at NZ Tech-Ed 08 day 2
Time Where Comments
02-09-2008 8:30 Breakfast great conversations
02-09-2008 9:00 BIN309 changed my mind, from ARC to SQL
02-09-2008 9:10 BIN309 is it just me, or does Pat Martin remind anybody else of Malcolm McDowell?
02-09-2008 9:20 BIN309 this class is full
02-09-2008 9:30 BIN309 merge statement is very verbose
02-09-2008 9:45 BIN309 death by PowerPoint
02-09-2008 10:00 BIN309 super dump! should I shout skull ?
02-09-2008 10:45 WEB304 web future starting. @kiwitwitter is in it
02-09-2008 10:50 WEB304 each country thinks broadband speed is better elsewhere
02-09-2008 11:00 WEB304 contrary to all appearances Scottha is not really a Budhist
02-09-2008 11:15 WEB304 reach out and Touch some device
02-09-2008 11:30 WEB304 finally Chris Auld has found his niche: he's a hopeless panelist but a great convenor
02-09-2008 11:45 WEB304 "Silverlight gets us around the limitations of HTML, is the future of the web"
02-09-2008 12:00 WEB304 just realised: unlike 2005, have no time for labs, too many good sessions
02-09-2008 12:10 DEV260 TFS version control starting
02-09-2008 12:30 DEV260 @kiwitwitter it was fun thanks
02-09-2008 13:00 DEV260 death by PowerPoint
02-09-2008 13:25 DEV260 multiple forward integration for each reverse integration
02-09-2008 13:40 Lunch listening to Trika talk about certification
02-09-2008 15:00 LAB doing labs
02-09-2008 15:30 LAB trika was lovely and gracious
02-09-2008 16:00 LAB missed 2 sessions 2 do 1 MVC lab. glad i did but MVC not 4 me
02-09-2008 16:30 LAB im loving sub sonic too much to MVC
02-09-2008 17:00 LAB just did another lab: Test Management
02-09-2008 17:10 WEB317 ASP.NET AJAX SP1 starting
02-09-2008 18:20 WEB317 ScriptManager EnableHistory=true
02-09-2008 18:25 WEB317 @blackmael MVC seems 2 be 3-tier on the presentation layer. y bother?
02-09-2008 20:15 Tech-Fest idea 4 next year: have a dinner on Tuesday for those not inclined to booze
02-09-2008 20:20 Tech-Fest great idea Intergen: earplugs in survival kit
02-09-2008 20:25 Tech-Fest takeaways 4 dinner, heading back to hotel
02-09-2008 20:30 Tech-Fest latte anyone?
02-09-2008 23:00 Hotel Completed compiling Tweats into Blog Post

Ah... My 5 years with broadband
Pretty sure some of you out there have been using some sort of "broadband" for longer than I have (how much did you pay!?!), but for me, I've been using broadband for 5 years.

[Let's wind back into the past shall we?]

Got connected to Xtra Jetstream during September 2003, during their new Jetsons/Flintstones (whatever it was called) marketing period. Back then, we signed up to the Home 500 Full Speed plan.

500MB and a blisteringly fast 2mbps connection at the low price of just $59 a month!

In those days we barely reached 500MB a month. That seemed virtually impossible, especially from surfing on free service dial up from ISPs like Zfree and i4free.

Overage was at a whopping $0.20/MB! Thankfully, we only got over that only once.

Back then things were really expensive, and not just for Internet. Seriously, we had to go out and get a $200 JetStream Single PC Pack. A SpeedTouch 330 USB Modem and 2 filters (one dual, one single). I do think that we got signed up on a free connection offer, can't really remember or search for it though.

Back then we had trouble even understanding the meaning behind all of this "allowance". We didn't know that the Internet used "megabytes"... we just cared about how long we got online. We consistently managed to get under the limit which was actually amazing. Don't know how... probably because the web was pretty simplistic back then still.

So over the years we changed plans...
  • 2005: JetStream Everyday
    1GB @ 1mbps/128k
    We had to sacrifice half our speed for double the allowance - tough for me especially, when we were used to great speed at 2mbps!
  • 2006: Discover
    1GB @ 1mbps/128k
    Nothing different from Everyday, just a name change.
  • 2006: Go
    1GB @ 2mbps/128k
    1GB @ Full Speed/128k
    The "unleashing" of the Internet - need I say more? A price cut and a speed increase helped make my Dad finally realise the potential of the Internet now.
  • 2006: Go Large
    Managed @ Full Speed/128k
    No need to say anything here other than we were on it for 2 months!
    Then Telecom lost another customer. The freshly bought over ihug was the next to welcome us.
  • 2007: broadband 2
    5GB @ Full Speed/128k
    We only truly survived on it for around 3 months. We always went over 5GB easily. I'm wondering what I did 4 years back.
  • 2007: broadband 3
    Managed @ Full Speed/128k
    Finally had a crack at the managed plan. We kept our promise to go under 500MB per day over a 3 day average - but we had some splurges sometimes, until ihug got around to change everything
  • 2008: Ultimate pack
    20GB @ Full Speed/Full Speed
    =$50.00 (equivalent broadband price)
    Vodafone eventually took over the ihug brand, and we were welcomed to the world of max upload!

Fast forward to today - 20GB from Vodafone for $50 (the eqivalent price of the broadband), and now you can get modems from as low as $50 from them and they've got contract offers with free connection and modem.

Broadband speed used to be able to consistently reach the rated speed. It was great. About 3 friends I knew back in 2003 actually knew what broadband was. Who knew that the Internet was possible without tying the phone line? Who knew that the Internet was to evolve into what it is now?

But now with increasing saturation of customers in an area with broadband, everything feels different. Everyone's got broadband now, and most have at least chosen the 3GB Go plan from Telecom. My neighbours probably have broadband.

Things have changed alright.

But I'm not really celebrating now - broadband is now a part of daily life really. I've come to enjoy having it by my bedside.

That was the broadband journey that still continues to this very day... just shows how fast people develop the habit of surfing the Internet everyday just in a matter of months. No wonder New Zealand's broadband is so useless.

When did you discover the world of speedier Internet?
Where was broadband first introduced to you? (At work? Some random cafe? At home stealing someone else's Wi-Fi?)
How much did you first pay for broadband?

Leave your comments below.

Mythtv, xvid, and my PSP
When I first started fiddling around with Mythbuntu I (like everyone else) needed to know how to get the video off the myth host into something less annoying than the nupplevideo format it records in. (if you are using a BT analogue capture card, that is)

Searching lead me to apt-get install nuvexport.  Nuvexport is a set of scripts that does a nice job of converting the nuv files into xvid, mpeg2 and other formats. (no H264/MP4 the last time I checked).

So now my host records Family Guy each night, then converts said episode into a 300mb xvid @ 1meg/s CBR which I then re-rip using PSPVideo9 into an MP4 to watch on my PSP at lunchtime.  Video quality is excellent, audio is listenable (I'm doing the MP4 ripping at the lowest quality so it fits on to my memory card 'cause I'm too cheap to buy a bigger one and I *REALLY* want to keep the demo of God of War on it). PSPV9 takes about five min to rerip. Handy bit of s/w.

When using nuvexport with mythbuntu you first need to have enabled the Win32 codecs using mythbuntusetup, then use apt to install nuvexport.

Running nuvexport by hand works like a treat - I found that once I added it to the user jobs as nuvexport-xvid (to select xvid output by script name) the export jobs would bomb out.  Reading through the export logs found that certain lines in the scripts try to write to the screen and as they are running in the background they can't and get pissy and stop.  Rem'ing the offending lines out of the nuvexport scripts resolved this so now the user jobs work fine.  DVD export works OK, just takes ages.  Then again, as the myth host is a dual-cpu PIII 700 converting 36min of Family Guy to xvid takes about 4.5 hours to complete.

The next step is to buy a Hauppauge Nova-S card and stick that in the host - then I'll have mpeg2 written to the drive instead of nuv files, and I'll be able to go directly to PSP without having to go through the xvid stage first.

WAF was dropping sharply for a while, now as I've stopped spending nights fiddling around with the satellite receiver it's slowly increasing.

All this just to get C4 reception in Lyttelton. And to watch Family Guy again. (Without exceeding my ISP data cap...)

iTunes 8 actually runs quite well on xp.
I got a huge surprise! It's quicker to sync and eject and scrolling through things has less lag.
But it IS bloated. The grid view wants to thumbnail all your art everytime you start unless you tell it "never" and the "genuis" feature is still sorting my library after 4 hours.
I made the mistake of closing itunes while this was still running, and while this didn't restart the whole process, it did make me go through the terms and conditions again.
Overall, I'm pretty happy so far... but time will tell (if genius bizzo ever finishes).

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