Tuesday, July 29, 2008

You interview the CEO: Telecom NZ Dr Paul Reynolds waiting your questions

It took some time, but it happened. We now have a discussion open in our Telecom New Zealand forum, waiting for your questions to CEO Dr Paul Reynolds.

The idea is simple: people can post their questions in the thread, and after a week I will be forwarding these to get his answers. I will then post the answers on Geekzone.

We have done this before with other major telcos in New Zealand - check the answers for Orcon, TelstraClear, and WorldxChange.

Thanks to the Telecom folks who helped us get there!

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How fast can you download all of the latest patches? Well, if you were to install Windows from scratch on a PC, then connect to the Internet to download all... Read More

Some bits sound like meetings I attended... Other bits sound like exactly what I expect "Big Telco" would be talking when creating a campaign for their new JesusPhone offering...

Warning: some heavy NSFW language. But worth watching the whole thing.

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A backdoor in Skype?

It has long been speculated that there might be a backdoor built into Skype, something that would allow Skype (the company) or the police to easily monitor Skype conversations. Skype is closed software and can therefore ... (more in the full post)

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How well companies that offer something for "free" can do with a subscription option?

When there are so many "free" things on the web, one has to wonder how companies can keep their products up and running (or even if they can manage to get out of beta).

Some companies just don't. They close the service and tell the customers to get out of here:

Personal Media: Bluestring, Xdrive and AOL Pictures will be sunset. These consumer storage products haven't gained sufficient traction in the marketplace or the monetization levels necessary to offset the high cost of their operation. We have found that building media management applications within the context of a social experience is a more rapid and effective way to grow the business. For example, today the Bebo audience is uploading over three million photos per day. To effectively grow the XDrive online storage business we would need to focus on subscription revenues vs. monetizing through advertising revenue, and this business model is not in strategic alignment with our company's goals. We are exploring plans to migrate our users assets to ensure the best possible transition experience.

This is part of the memo AOL sent out to staff explaning the end of some of their services - including Xdrive an on-line storage service that offered 5 GB of storage free to anyone.

There's a reason why people buy external drives for home or buy Windows Home Server or NAS boxes. First broadband speed sucks around the world. Then the services don't work as expected or not as easily (Xdrive is only one that I know that could be mounted as a drive on your OS so you could just copy things from and to instead of having to open a browser window). And even so it was very unstable.

Which leads me to the next one: the on-line service businesses seem to be quite unreliable - unless they are a subscription service with a SLA, not a freebie. But even so sith happens.

When there are lots of free things, some won't last long.

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I have a phone again, amazing! My internet has only failed 3 times today (it is of course only mid morning, but that's cool.

And in reply to the comment about how retro I am still having a phone line, think of it this way, it comes with the net and it means that relatives who are still more analogue don't have to pay me, but there's a thought, maybe the ones I don't care to hear from won't lol.Laughing

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For July, Microsoft released only 4 new Security Bulletins and none of them were Critical. Actually, all 4 were rated as Important, which typically means they are serious, but that... Read More

Yep folks, today's post is yet another one brought to you by the Ministry of Self-Promotion.

This has been out for a while now, but I've recently finished tweaking it (and let's be honest, fixing embarrasing bugs) to something approaching my satisfaction, so to the esteemed Geekzone readership I present Twitula, a Twitter client for Windows Mobile Classic and Professional (that is to say, touch screen devices - I have a smartphone version in beta if you're interested in trying it).

As always, you can use the contact form on the site for feedback, requests and death threats.

PS. Also As usual, source code is available on request. Because after all, everyone needs a good laugh now and then.

PPS. Here's a pretty screen shot even:

 Twitula screen shot

(That's actually slightly out of date, since I now display people's actual names rather than screen names. But then again anyway I deliberately reduced the screen shot in size to make the text unreadable. So it probably doesn't matter all that much. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it. So carry on with whatever you were doing).

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When the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) banned laptops from being carried on to airplanes in the wake of an attempted terrorist attack, I wrote an article detailing steps to enable... Read More

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